Page 48 of A Touch of Fire
They hadn’t even spent all that much time together, but she felt oddly protective of him, wanting to make sure he didn’t have a nightmare again tonight.
Megan wondered if he tried therapy. She had never been, but Ash spoke glowingly about her time talking to someone—but then Ash was all about taking care of herself.
Lincoln nudged her foot and gave a low purr at her feet. As usual, Popsicle wasn’t far behind, sitting by the cat bed behind the couch, yawning before washing his feet. Megan paid homage to both with a few kitty crunchies, pulled down a pair of coffee mugs, this time plain white, then followed the sound of fluttering from the birdcage.
“Shhhhh, we have company.” Salt and Pepper’s heads twitched in her direction, taking in her words with their black eyes, before hopping onto the side of the cage and starting to tweet. So much for silence, she thought. She folded up the towel and tucked it under the table the cage was on.
Thus began the morning routine. She refilled water and food, changed newspaper and litter, all as quietly as possible, and by the time she had slid open the curtains to let the morning sun stream in, the coffee maker announced it was done with a pleasant beep.
The doorknob clicked as it opened, and Troy walked through looking disheveled and slightly groggy.
“Morning,” Megan said, walking over to the coffee pot. What did people do when they greeted someone who stayed over? Deciding just to act like she would if it were Laura or Ash, she smiled and started pouring coffee.
“How do you take it?”
Much to her surprise, strong arms slid around her stomach from behind, and Troy planted a rough kiss on her neck, scrambling her brain.
“I’m not picky. However you take it is fine.”
“I know that’s not true,” Megan said.
“Fine. Just a little cream if you have it.”
Indeed she did, but he held her still, breathing in deep as if he was almost still asleep. Megan watched the steam rise from the black coffee in the white mug for a moment, until she closed her own eyes and shifted her weight against him, letting him hold her.
This is what they both needed.
Seconds stretched into minutes, before he took a breath and she stepped back to open the fridge to grab the cream.
Hearing the tinkle of the spoon against her mug before passing it to him felt like the most natural thing in the world.
“Do you have to work today?”
Megan shook her head. “Tomorrow.”
“Cool. Want to get breakfast? I’ll need to get back to the house afterward.”
More time with him? Sign her up. “That sounds great.”
“Good. I don’t want you to think I had planned this. I really didn’t, but I keep some clothes in my truck. Can I use your shower if I go grab them?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Thanks, you go first though. I’m quick.”
Megan put a piece of lettuce in Leo’s tank and refreshed the water before she ducked into the shower and rinsed off. Had he not been waiting, she would’ve lingered as she enjoyed how relaxed she felt under the hot spray. An orgasm, shower, and coffee had done magic for her tense shoulders and back.
At first she was worried he would want to shower together. She wasn’t ready forthatyet. At least not this morning, when the main mission was getting cute for breakfast. She threw on some clean jeans and her favorite green jacket and took care with brushing her hair, letting it hang down except for a few pins holding it back from her face. To put in a little more effort, once she finished her coffee and brushed her teeth, she swiped on a little pink lipstick she had as a sample but rarely wore.
Emerging a new woman, she found her bed made neater than she had ever done. Her white and green striped duvet was taut like it had just been pressed, with the pillows fluffed and plump. Troy poked his head around the doorjamb and smiled, looking a lot more rested than he had previously. With the birds tweeting happily and the sun streaming in behind him, he looked like a literal gift from heaven.
“Hey, you look great,” he said, giving her a slow up and down. Megan swore she could feel her skin shiver with his gaze.
His lopsided sexy smile was back, and he looked a lot more in control than he had last night, making her heart skip a beat.
“Thanks, I left you a fresh towel on the rack.”
He gave her a smile and a wink, then shut the door. Megan stood and watched the closed door while waiting for her pulse to resume a normal rate. Now of course she was rethinking her privacy standards, because…