Page 19 of The Immortal Tailor
She shrugged. “How should I know? He was sitting out front for a few minutes and then scratched at the door, came back in, and passed out.”
“Any ambulances showed up outside?” he asked.
“No…” she said, her voice filled with suspicion. Why?”
So he overfed but didn’t kill anyone? Well, that was good news. “Never mind. So what is the big emergency?”
“Um, well. I’m not really sure how to explain it. That’s why I needed you to come in person.”
Oh no. Did she piss off Bigfoot? Despite what people thought, Bigfoot was not a supernatural creature. He was an ancient species of highly intelligent mammals—somewhere between human and very hairy bear.
“MF, if you said something rude to the hairy man, I cannot help you.”
She frowned. “You mean the extra-tall guy who looks like a golden retriever and the Bee Gees had a love child? I had to kick his ass out yesterday. He was brushing his hair every five seconds, leaving hairballs everywhere. Why do you think I’m vacuuming?”
“Then you shall enjoy the scent of fresh urine on your doorstep for the next year. The hairy man is never to be crossed.”
“Um…okay. But that’s not why I called.”
He folded his arms across his chest. This’d better be good.
Damien waited, but MF only hemmed and hawed, spearing her fingers through her long auburn hair and whooshing out multiple breaths.
“Well, woman? Spit it out. I haven’t got all day,” he pushed.
“I, uh, well, I decided to come in early to organize your stockroom and—crap. You’re going to think I’m crazy, but your shop is haunted, dude.”
“Haunted?” He tried not to laugh.
“When I came in, all the merchandise was in piles on the floor. Nothing torn or ruined, just…tossed to the floor.”
Maybe Bonbon had thrown another of his little parties. “Where did my dog sleep last night?”
“My place. Why?”
“Never mind. So after you picked up the clothes, what happened?” he asked.
“That’s the thing. I didn’t pick up anything. I went to the back to call you and heard a noise out front. I looked through the doorway, and all your suits and shirts were floating in the air. They got back on the racks by themselves.”
Damien frowned. MF’s story wasn’t making much sense.
He nudged Bonbon with his foot. “Wake up.”
Bonbon opened one golden eye. “Hey, dick. Miss me?”
“Bonbon, what did you see this morning?”
“Are you talking to your dog?” MF asked.
“Yes. He is…special.” Damien didn’t know what else to say.
“He’s not the only one,” MF threw back, eyeing Damien judgmentally.
“Bonbon, I’ll ask again. What did you see this morning?” Damien asked.
Bonbon slowly rolled over, rubbing his inflated belly with two front paws. “Nothin’, man. Just some chick. She was crying and yelling, and then she was crying because she made a mess.”
“Some chick?” Damien asked.