Page 20 of The Immortal Tailor
“Yeah, she’s sitting right there.” Bonbon glanced toward the leather armchair next to the fitting room.
“I don’t see anything,” Damien said.
“Ohmygod. You’re really talking to your dog.” MF gasped her words and covered her mouth.
“Silence,” Damien barked at MF, who narrowed her eyes. “What is the woman’s name?” he asked Bonbon.
Bonbon barked at the corner and then looked at Damien. “Sky. She says her name is Sky.”
Damien’s knees weakened, and his travel bag slipped from his hand.
“She wants to know why you ran her over with your car.” Bonbon shrugged.
Suddenly, the zipper of his bag slid open, and out fluttered Pet.
“Phew! It was getting hot in there.” She dusted a piece of lint from her shoulder and patted her golden braids.
MF stared at the fairy with a gaping mouth.
Pet looked at their bewildered faces and then at Damien. “Hey, what’d I miss?” Pet’s head whipped in the direction of the corner. “Oh look! It’s Sky! Howdy!” Pet’s gaze then zeroed in on MF. “Oh look! A vampire!”
Damien walked over to the front door, drew the blinds, and made sure it was locked. He set the sign toclosed.
“MF, why didn’t you tell me you were a vampire affected by the blast?” He shook a finger at her, pacing the workshop.
“Dude, you want to lecture me about secrets after killing a woman, who’s sitting in the corner, bawling her eyes out?”
Yes, because I desperately do not want to accept she is here. He was experiencing feelings he did not know what to do with. Why was Sky’s ghost in his shop? Was this an angry poltergeist situation or a spirit trapped in limbo looking for answers about her untimely death? If so, what was he going to say?
Well, the truth is completely out of the question: In a moment of pre-masturbatory weakness, I imagined smelling your hair. So now you’re dead. You’re welcome.
Damien ran his hand over the top of his head. He had not meant for her to die. But in all fairness, there had been a fairy lodged in his nose. On the other hand, that wasn’t the real reason, now was it?
“Can you see her, too?” he asked MF. Evidently, Pet and Bonbon could.
“No, but why did you kill her?” MF looked horrified.
A gust of wind blew through the middle of the shop, sending some of the suits to the floor.
“It is a long story, one I should explain to her first.”Just as soon as I come up with an appropriate lie.“Where is she now?” he asked Bonbon, who was now getting a back scratch from Pet, who was riding him like a little horse.
“Yeah, right there, sweetheart.” Bonbon thumped his furry foot on the floor. “You know what daddy likes.”
“Bonbon, I asked you a question,” Damien snarled.
Bonbon sighed petulantly. “Sky went out the back. Said she needed time to think.”
Thank gods.He genuinely needed time to process all this. He was unused to having emotions.Feelings bad.
“Hey, boss. Why can’t I hear Bonbon when he speaks?” asked MF.
Interesting how only he seemed fazed by this ghost-of-Sky situation. Just a normal day.
“It takes practice to learn his language.” But Damien didn’t have time to get into this now. “I have to go to San Diego. And if you know what’s good for you, send a fruit basket with an apology to the hairy man. You’ll find his address in my Rolodex under the register.”
“Pfft!” MF laughed. “You own a Rolodex? Wow, you really are a grandpa.”