Page 21 of The Immortal Tailor
Damien snarled.
“Sorry.” She chuckled. “But you do wear those sock straps and starched boxers.” She shrugged. “I found your stash of extra clothes in the back.”
The straps were practical. Even socks with elastic fell during the course of a day. “I like my starched shorts. Wrinkles are a sign of a man without discipline.” Actually, he wore them as a sort of chastity belt. He was a very well-endowed, good-looking man with a libido that did not quit. The stiff, chafing shorts reminded him he had no business being sexy, sexual, or flirtatious. In short, his shorts were for the good of society.And a complete failure when it came to Sky.
MF frowned judgmentally. “Whatever you say, dude.”
Dude?“Exactly how old are you?” Damien asked.
“Twenty-five. I was turned a month before the blast, but I’m now human again. Cimil says my fate was hijacked because I’m supposed to live a few centuries. That’s why I agreed to come help you in the shop. She said you could fix everything. I hope she’s right.”
So MF had been a new vampire when she’d been turned back to human. “So this warm persona of yours isn’t the result of being centuries old and sick of life. Good to know.”
“Har, har, Grandpa.”
“I’m not much older than you. Twenty-nine.” Give or take a few centuries.
Bonbon, Pet, and MF snickered.
“My life is a never-ending fountain of joy,” he said under his breath. “I will return later today. If you see Sky, please tell her how very sorry I am for her untimely death. I will sit down and explain what happened upon my return. In the meantime, give her my assurance that the men who harmed her nephew will be punished.”
“She says she wants to go with you.” Bonbon smiled, showing his bright white fangs and teeny tiny teeth. Very disturbing.
“You did not think to tell me she’d returned?” Damien asked.
“She literally just walked in,” Pet argued. “And before you say anything else, she’s in the corner, crying again.”
Dear gods. How much more of this could he take? “I must go.”And drink scotch.“Please do your best to maintain a professional demeanor in my absence.” This shop was more than a place where people, or immortals, came to buy clothing. It represented the Greystone legacy.
He turned to leave out the back, finding Pet, Bonbon, and MF blocking the door.
“What?” he said.
“You know our secrets. We want to know yours. Why’d you kill that woman?” MF narrowed her eyes.
“My life is my business. And if that displeases any of you, there’s the door.” His past, his curse, his choice. “Except for you, Pet. You are coming with me to San Diego. You are free to leave after that.”
“What if I want to stick around?” She fluttered in front of his face.
“What for?” He could not think of one reason.
“Maybe I feel safe here.” Pet turned her head, catching sight of a piece of fluff stuck to the mannequin in the corner. “Cousin Ronald?” She flew off and hugged it.
She’s off her tiny rocker.Which was why these creatures needed to get the hell out of his shop as soon as possible. His sanctuary was turning into a supernatural insane asylum.
Greystone plucked Pet from the mannequin and snatched the lint ball from her arms, flinging it to the floor. “I don’t have time for this. We need to leave.”
Pet’s eyes bulged in horror at the falling lint. “You are a very, very bad man, Greystone. You can forget about me tickling your prostate.”
“A shame, to be sure.”
“By the way, Sky now says she’s going to haunt you forever,” Pet added.
Just what he needed. To be haunted by a woman he killed with his lust. “You can tell her to get in line.”
Damned creatures.Maybe he should book a romantic getaway for Minky and Mittens so they’d produce another blast and take care of the remaining immortals.