Page 22 of The Immortal Tailor
Yes, he was serious. Why did the gods need to bring back such creatures anyway? Fairies, goblins, weres, demons, wraiths, unicorns, and vampires were nothing to write home about.All pains in the ass, if you ask me.
Fortunately, his lack of fondness for all living things was a blessing, given his curse. Caring came with a heavy price. Sky’s death was a prime example of that. And while he had felt remorse, he now saw the utter lack of logic in it.
What was the point of remorse? It was not his style, and it would not bring her back. Obviously, the fact he had allowed her to penetrate his emotional armor still perplexed him, but dwelling on it was pointless.
Yes, that made him a bastard, but he also did not care. He kept to himself. He worked at his shop. He was not whining or complaining about serving his penance alone. He was not inviting anyone into his life. He did not owe a thing to the world, including being a better man. As far as he was concerned, his only obligation was to ensure he cared for no one. End of story.
As for Bonbon, as soon as Damien completed this job for the gods, Cimil would find Bonbon a mate, and Damien could go back to his life of suits and solitude. MF could return to doing whatever ex-vampires did. Sky could, well, he couldn’t see her, so he’d just pretend she wasn’t there. He’d be damned if he’d let a bunch of creatures infiltrate his life and start nosing around or judging him.
Damien turned his head to look at the fairy sitting on top of his travel bag on the passenger seat. She was flossing her teeth with a thread from one of his spare handkerchiefs.
See. This was what he was talking about. What gave her the right to touch his things?
I need to calm down, he thought. It would not serve him well today.
Damien pulled into a gas station just off the freeway. “Pet, I’m going to put the top down for the rest of the drive. You will need to close yourself in the bag.”
“But it’s hot in there and—”
“You will do as I say, fairy, or I will lock you in the trunk.” He got out to fill his tank.
Maybe he should have driven the Cadillac El Dorado instead of his red Porsche today. The Caddy was perfect for helping him focus on chaotic days like these.A very smooth ride.
Too late now. He’d have to rely on the staunch discipline of his mind.
However, as he pumped gas, his mind continued beating with the drum of unwelcome questions. Why was Sky’s ghost even here? How long would it stay?
He’d killed plenty of people and creatures over the centuries, and not one had ever returned to haunt him.
Perhaps once he took care of the bad men who’d beaten Sky’s nephew, and he ensured her family was safe, Sky would move on.
A twinge of discomfort pulsed through his stomach. What was that about?
While the tank filled, Damien put the top down, and Pet fluttered out.
“Get back in that bag before someone sees you,” he snarled, looking over his shoulder.
“I’ve decided I’m not coming with you.”
“I told you, you have nothing to fear. You simply need to show me where you were kept, and then you will be free to leave and harass the masses with your genital crevasse exploration.”
“Not coming.” She flapped her tiny lavender wings and looked away.
A silver truck pulled up beside them.
Dammit.Damien could not let them see Pet.
He leaned over the door and grabbed her by the torso, pinching her between his thumb and forefinger. He shoved her in his jacket pocket and closed the flap, pressing down so she couldn’t escape.
“Hey!” Pet kicked him from inside. “Let me out! Oh look. A button!”
Damien shook his head, finished fueling, got in the car, and hit the freeway.Yes, wind. Freedom. That was what he loved about convertibles, the sensation of leaving everything behind, even if it was merely a mental game.
A little over two hours later, Damien arrived at the Browns’ house, where Sky had picked up the hitchhiking fairy.
He parked across the street, one house down, and put the top up. It was a warm sunny day, not ideal for breaking into a house and remaining unnoticed, but the clock was ticking.
He opened the flap of his coat pocket. “You can come out now.”