Page 23 of The Immortal Tailor
Pet emerged with her cheeks puffed out, her little jaw working.
“What are you eating?” he growled.
She shrugged.
Damien slid his hand inside his pocket. “You ate the liner? That was silk.”
Pet swallowed. “I told you, I don’t want to be here. I’m a stress eater.” He bet she’d eaten the spare button too. “Any chance you’d like to fool around?”
“No.” Never.
“What if I just lick the tip?”
“What is the matter with you?” He frowned.
“Me? You’re the one who kills women. I, on the other hand, make people feel good.”
“Let me remind you that I did not ask to go on a sex fairy hunt. It was Cimil who demanded I search for you. And it wasyouwho attacked Sky, which led me to her in the first place. This is as much your fault as anyone’s.”
“So it’s my fault I was taken by those men? Or that I got spooked when I heard a voice? Oh look! A squirrel!” Sky pointed to a tree along the sidewalk.
Damien had had enough. All he wanted was for this to be over and to return to his life of fine wools, linens, and silks. Fabric never gave him any trouble. Buttons neither.And you can’t kill them.
“Pet, after you’ve served your purpose here today, you will take your shitty little wings and your tiny, perverted mind, and you will flutter off. If I ever see you again, I will crush you. Do you understand?”
“Wow. You really are an asshole.”
Wrong. I’m a cursed asshole. Deadly, too. “Yes. And never forget it.”
The house belonging to the Brown brothers, where Pet had been held captive, was your average redbrick, one-story home in an average neighborhood twenty minutes from the Browns’ exotic salsa factory. A factory that was now shut down given that the company was under investigation and the owners were on the run, thanks to Sky’s work.
Interestingly, though, Damien had checked Sky’s website several times, and there was no sign of the third article. Had she changed her mind about releasing it before her death? He’d have to ask later.
“You are sure this is the house, yes?” Damien checked the online county records. The deed was registered to the Browns’ deceased mother. The brothers themselves owned nothing. Even the factory was titled to some holding company.
“Yeah. I could never forget that smell.”
“What does it smell like?” he asked.
Pet blinked her big blue eyes at him, an intense sadness in her gaze. “Bad things.”
Okay. A bit cryptic, but Damien was about to find out what sorts of bad things. “Tell me which side of the house the bunker is on.”
Pet pointed to the left. “There’s a staircase in the basement, leading to the first floor. Underneath the staircase is a hidden door. It looks like a big ventilation grate. The bunker with the cages is below.”
Why hadn’t she told him this before? He’d had the impression he was going to have to spend hours searching for the hidden entrance. There’d been no reason to even bring the annoying fairy.
“All right, I will go take a look. You stay here.”
“You’re leaving me alone?” she whined.
“But what if the Brown brothers show up?” She started to tremble.
Not likely. He already knew from the headlines that the Browns had gone underground. According to Pet, they’d been in Ohio recently, but that wasn’t likely. Pet had probably heard a voice that simply sounded similar. Just like she had seen a ball of lint that looked like Cousin Ronald. Like he said, sex-fairies weren’t the smartest.
If Damien had to guess, the Browns were still hiding out, and the men who’d assaulted Sky’s nephew, Miguel, were linked to someone who still had something to lose: the governor’s brother.