Page 36 of Unlikely Souls
He paused and looked down at the ground for a minute. It was clear to see he was struggling to keep his composure. Then, taking a deep breath, he lifted his head, and his eyes met Alley’s tear-filled ones, as he let the last few words fall from his lips.
“No matter what happens between us, you will always be mine, Alls.” My brother’s eyes now shimmered with unshed tears.
“Mi Tesoro,” he whispered to my best friend.
And with that, he opened the door and walked out.
I couldn’t hold back the waterworks any more than Alley could. Never had I seen my friend so grief-stricken. Walking across the room, I closed the gap between us and pulled my best friend into a hug. No words, it still wasn’t time to pressure her to talk, but it would be soon.
My brother had just called her his treasure. They couldn’t walk away from that.
Minutes later, Alley and I curled up on the couch watching a movie and fell asleep until a knock on the door woke us up. When she went and opened it, I heard Gyth’s voice, and my heart began to beat frantically. He was slowly becoming a drug that I needed every day, and as bad as that may sound, in my case I think it just might be damn good.
When he walked into the room, his southern drawl sent tingles all through my body. “Hey, Sunshine, how’s my girl feeling?”
He kept calling me his girl, and we hadn’t even been on a date yet, but I was growing weaker every time he said it, and I liked the way it sounded. It still scared the shit out of me, but I wanted to be his.
“Tired, but glad to be home. Are you staying for a while?” I hoped his answer would be yes.
He walked over to the couch I was currently taking up residence on and sat down beside me. Throwing an arm over my shoulders, he softly pulled me into him.
“You bet I am, babe,” he whispered in my ear.
I curled into the big guy, soaked up his warmth, and took in his intoxicating scent before settling in for what seemed to be one of my favorite places to be lately.
In his strong arms.
Chapter Twenty-One
“What the fuckdo you mean there will be no charges against the prick?”
Logically I knew it probably wouldn’t happen based on the events and Summer’s word against Dr. Dickhead’s, but the fire inside me on her behalf was boiling to an insane level.
In the time Braxton and I had started the business we had made some good acquaintances in the police department, fire department, and around town. Many of the men and women took some of our classes and used the facility we had here.
I’d reached out to one of the guys we knew at the precinct and he was giving me some information on the case. Well, I should say, lack there of a case was more like it. But it wasn’t his fault, and I shouldn’t be coming unglued on him for it.
I just thought if they didn’t do something about this jackass, then I might be even more tempted to take it upon myself to show him not to fuck with what’s mine. Or any other women for that matter.
After saying my apologies for ripping the officer a new one, I got off the phone and headed to the gym for another session with the same bag that had been getting a beatdown lately, compliments of me. It would at least help me cool off before I left to head out for Summer’s appointment.
Since she’d missed it last week, they’d rescheduled for today. We’d get through it, and then tomorrow, I was taking Summer out. We had postponed everything until she had time to recoup. I’d been waiting a long time for this and I’d finally be taking Summer out on our first official date.
And with some other connections I’d made, I had the perfect gift for Summer. A surprise I’d been working on for a few weeks now. With everything going on and the new struggles she was having emotionally after the attack, I thought this would be just what the doctor ordered.
I just hoped she would be on board with it.
Finishing up a little early with my workout, due to my bum leg acting up and hurting more than normal, I headed to the showers to get cleaned up so I could head over and pick Summer up. She was at home since she hadn’t been back to work again and there was no way she was driving herself. This time we were going together.
Cleaned up and ready to go, I headed out toward the front where I found Kace sitting at the receptionist desk.
“If people have to see your ugly mug when they first walk in we may lose business,” I joked.
We hadn’t found anyone for a permanent position yet, and we’d all been kinda taking turns hanging out at the front so someone was around and people couldn’t just walk in and wander around unattended. Plus, someone needed to take calls and make appointments. And we needed to look somewhat professional as well.
“Bite me, dickhead,” Kace said back to me. “This shit is boring as hell, sitting up here, twiddling my thumbs.”