Page 37 of Unlikely Souls
“Oh stop being a crybaby, Gemma will be here in a few. I’m out of here, I need to go pick up Summer and take her to her doctor's appointment.”
Gemma had gained a full scholarship for college and although she was busy, her classes were mostly earlier in the day, and not every day at that, so she’d been temporarily helping us out. The extra money didn’t hurt her either, but she was cool with us just using her until we could get the right person.
“You going to be okay?” Kace lifted his chin. “Looks like your leg is bothering you.”
I didn’t love when someone asked me about my injury because I hated the fact it was noticeable at times, and I was still working my ass off to get it in better shape, but the truth was, it was always going to be there and people would see that. They only cared about me, so having a piss poor attitude about it was something I was trying to curb.
“I’m fine, just worked out hard, but it will be okay.”
“Okay, I hope things go well, and tell that sweet girl hello for me.” He grinned slyly.
“The fuck I will. How many times do I have to tell you to find your own damn girl and stop flirting with mine, asshole?” I scowled at my friend, because dammit he liked to push my buttons. Or all of us guys’ buttons for that matter.
He just smirked at me, so I gave him the finger and walked out the door to the sound of his laughter behind me.
Before I could get out of the car to go up to the house and get Summer, she walked out and headed toward my truck. Wearing a knee-length, black skirt, teal green flowy top, black leather jacket, and tall, black boots, I was drooling all over myself like I’d just come from the damn dentist, and my mouth was numb all over.
There is one thing that definitely isn’t numb though.
Resigning myself to the fact I was about to open the door for my girl with a damn erection, I jumped out of my side of the vehicle and ran around to grab her door for her.
Summer stumbled a little as she approached, wide eyes making contact with the bulge pressing insistently against the front of my jeans. Stopping in her tracks, her cheeks tinged pink, and then she slowly looked up to my face.
“What can I say, Sunshine, you look hot and my body always responds to you,” I told her with a smirk on my face. Might as well be honest, it was the best policy, and it wasn’t like I was able to hide it anyway.
She blushed even more—if that was possible—and took the last few steps to the passenger side door I was holding open for her. Before she could get in, I gave her a light kiss on the lips and took in her beautiful scent, letting it fill my nostrils and sweep through my body.
Not saying a word, she planted one of those sexy boots on my running board and hopped in. Her skirt stretched across her perfect ass and I knew there was no hope for the strain in my pants to loosen any time soon. I shut her door, and jogged around to my side of the truck, and got in.
“Thanks for taking me,” she said softly. “I know you are busy with work and stuff.
Turning in my seat toward her I said, “Babe, there is no place I’d rather be than with you right now.”
“But I could have taken myself, not taken you away from your work.”
“Not gonna happen, Sunshine, so let it be.” I turned back, pushed the key into the ignition to start my truck, and we took off.
I heard her let out a little exasperated huff, but she didn’t say anything else. That was my girl. Sweet, thankful, but independent and a little sassy too.
As we walked out of the doctor’s office, I grabbed Summer’s hand and gave it a little squeeze so she knew she had my support.
Stepping out the door into the cool January air, fingers entwined, we headed to my truck in silence. Once seated inside, Summer finally said something.
“Will you take me to get ice cream?”
It was not what I’d been expecting. But I would do anything for her, so if ice cream was it, then you bet that’s what we did.
“Anything for you, Sunshine.” I gave her a wink.
Thirty minutes later, we hit Baskin Robins and took our ice cream to a park. It was what my girl wanted, so we sat on an old teeter-totter, licking our ice cream, just staring at one another.
Finally, I said, “Talk to me.”
But just as the word left my mouth, the sky opened up and sent a massive downpour on us. Jumping off the playground equipment, I forgot it would send Summer slamming down to the earth. Running to her, appalled at what I’d done, I thought maybe I was losing my mind. Or maybe she was?
Because my girl was laughing, soaking wet, and smiling. I pulled her up and off the teeter-totter with one hand and tried pulling her toward the parking lot.
“Come on, babe, you look like a drowned rat.” I realized I just said something very stupid to the most beautiful girl I’d ever met.