Page 73 of Unlikely Souls
And how unfair would that be, when the man that was just steps from us, was walking around as if he had done nothing wrong, a sinister smile on his face, and his eyes trained on me.
“You know him?” Landon asked, just as the evil Dr. Lawson took the last few steps and was next to my mother, trying to greet her as if there was not a care in the world.
“How dare you!” I screamed not being able to hold the mind-boggling unfairness I was in and the hatred I had for the man mere inches from me.
I knew Gyth would step in at any time, but I think he also realized there was a time to do so and a time when I needed to stand on my own. His time would come when I did finally go to my knees to weep, but it wasn’t yet.
“That is enough of that!” My mother scolded me. “You will be nice to our guest and mind your manners.”
Landon looked confused. I didn’t blame him. He hadn’t seen Dr. Lawson before and nobody had said his name yet. So he asked again, concern written all over his face. “Sis, do you know him?”
Swallowing and nodding my head in affirmation, I glanced back at the man who had tried to steal my sense of security and scare me with his notes. His ungodly smirk gracing his face did me in.
“Yes Landon, I know him all too well.” Then I focused on my mother and father. “This is Dr. Lawson who used to work with me at the hospital. If you listened to Landon and bothered to come to see me after my sexual assault, then you would recognize his name. He hurt me and he is trying to keep doing so.”
“That is absurd,” my mother said. “Theodore would never—” Guess that is when Gyth had enough and decided to jump in.
Stepping forward, his face menacing, he growled, “Don’t you fucking finish that sentence.” My mother gasped. Nobody ever spoke to her that way and this was new for her.
“Well, I am appalled at your behavior and I think it is time for you to go,” she told Gyth.
Another growl erupted from his throat. “Oh I am going, and your daughter is coming with me. As far as I am concerned, she will never see or speak to you again if I have my way. Summer is the best person I know and that man there, the one I am so fucking close to strangling with my bare hands, is a monster that hurt your little girl” When he said this he glanced at my father and so did I.
That little girl in me that he mentioned, waited and hoped that he would have a reaction that would make my heart soar, but his face was impassive. It was blank and he stayed the good little puppet he always was around my mother, piercing my heart as if he drove a knife in it himself.
Gyth wasn’t done yet though.
“You have lost something seriously precious, but I have found it and I will protect Summer with everything I have in me. We are leaving and you are dead to her.” Wrapping his firm, strong arm around my waist, he started to move me out of the room.
Then the wicked man spoke.
“Aww come on, baby, you know—” Gyth and I stopped abruptly and turned at the sound of flesh meeting flesh. Dr. Lawson was flat on the floor, holding his face, blood pouring from his nose.
My mother screeched and everyone else in the room gasped, a crowd making its way to us now and circling the scene. That is when my father finally decided to say a few words, in his no-nonsense, lawyer tone.
“Landon, you can not just go around hitting people,” he told him firmly.
My brother's eyes were murderous, something I had never seen before. I had also never witnessed him losing his cool with my parents or anyone else.
Putting up a hand, he said to my father, causing another gasp from my mother, “I can, and I will, when the asshole hurts my sister. You need to shut up and fucking listen for once and grow some balls.” The crowd went nuts at every one of his words. Men shaking their heads in disgust at him talking to my father that way and the woman acting just like my mother. But Landon turned his eyes to the man on the floor.
“If I ever find out that you touch or even look my sister’s way again, I will end you myself. Do you hear me? You are seriously close to not taking another breath, I hope I make myself clear.” Dr. Lawson just laid there saying nothing. It didn’t seem like he was such a big shot now.
When I looked at Gyth, his eyes were full of admiration for my brother. Then I heard my brother address my parents.
“Until you change, I quit, and I don’t want a thing to do with either of you either,” he told them.
It was my turn to gasp. I didn’t know what to say or do at that moment. This was a different side of my brother and it was his life he was messing with. What would he do?
Landon looked at me, his eyes were full of sorrow. Then he walked my way, pulling me into a hug, as Gyth released me, knowing we both needed that.
“I am sorry I have not always done right by you, Sis. You deserved better,” he said, his voice sounding sad.
Pulling back, he looked me in the eyes, his own full of tears and I couldn’t hold back the ones that had pooled in mine. The salty water dripped down my cheeks, as I grabbed his face as I spoke to him.” You have always been the best big brother and I wouldn’t trade you in for the world. Thank you, Landon. I love you to pieces.”
He nodded, emotions overwhelming him now. “I love you too.” Stepping back, he glanced over at Gyth.
“You take care of her, okay?”