Page 74 of Unlikely Souls
“You bet I will. With my life,” Gyth replied.
Without another word, Landon walked off and right out of the party, my worry for him in full swing.
Gyth then grabbed my hand in his and before following my brother's path out the door, he looked at my parents and said, “You fucked up.” His eyes went to Dr. Lawson on the ballroom floor. “Watch your step or you will find yourself needing a doctor of your own, but nobody will be able to save you.”
“Come on, baby,” he said to me, his eyes softening when he gazed into mine. “We have a new life to make together.” And we headed out of the room, my hand soaking up his warmth and love as we walked away.
Chapter Forty
I drove home on autopilot,with Summer’s head on my thigh, her tears soaking my pant leg.
Thinking about the events of the evening had me boiling with rage. How could a parent treat their child like they had Summer, a beautiful soul so full of love? It made me think of my own mother and how damn lucky I’d been to have her. I just wished she were still with me.
She would have loved my girl and shown her the beauty of what a mother could be. There was no fucking way she would have ever done the horrendous things that Mrs. Abbott did to Summer growing up or tonight. And Mr. Abbott had no backbone when it came to his wife and no care in the world for standing up for his little girl.
They may not have raised a hand to their children, but their abusive words, emotional manipulation, and lack of love they showed them was just as bad.
Everything in me wanted to step in and shield Summer from it all that evening, but a part of me could see that she needed to stand up for herself as well, gaining power from the strength she possessed as she did so. Not only her, but it looked like Landon needed to confront his feelings just as much. They both may have been hurting, but in the end, they would come out on the other side of it all stronger than ever before.
Once Summer had her say, that is when I also had mine. I meant every word I said and each and every one of them damn well better have listened very carefully because when it comes to my lady, I’m not fucking around.
We drove through the gate at my complex and I parked the truck. Looking down at Summer, I ran my hand over her silky blonde hair and whispered to her, “Hey, Sleeping Beauty, we are home.” I know she had her own place, but as far as I was concerned, she was my life, and this was as much her home as it was mine.
“Gyth,” she replied in a tentative tone.
I frowned, not sure what was coming, but I never wanted her to think she couldn’t ask me anything.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Would you be too mad if we drove to my place and picked up Ash?” Mad? Hell no, I wouldn’t be mad. I loved that she adored the sweet dog and that Ash could comfort her, which is exactly why I had got her for Summer in the first place.
“Sunshine, of course I wouldn’t be angry about that. We can go get Ash and bring her back here or if you would rather be there with her and Alley, then I understand.”
“How about we stay at my place tonight? I want you and Ash both, but I want to talk to Alley too. Is that okay?”
Smiling like a loon because I was happy that she needed me as well, I answered, “Your place sounds perfect.” Then I started the truck again and we headed out.
I was over my pity party.
During the drive home I let myself weep to purge the sadness that assaulted my body due to the horrific way the evening had gone. I never expected it to go well, but it was worse than I imagined. And with Dr. Lawson thrown in the mix, my mother’s disregard towards me and my wishes, or what had happened to me previously, everything came to a head, and I cried over it all.
But I was freaking done.
The people in my life that mattered most and were my family, were the ones that had always been there for me and would continue to do so throughout my future. Gyth was one of the amazing people that I hoped would stick around for the long haul. With him, my friends, my brother and Ash, my lovable dog, what else could a girl ask for? Sure, loving and supportive parents would be nice, but they didn’t deserve to be in my world if they couldn’t love me for me and treat me with respect.
So wherever I was with the people who truly cared about me, they were my home. Because home isn’t a place, it’s the people you are with.
And what about my brother, what the hell was that? He seriously impressed me tonight and kicked some ass. All for me. Although a part of me thinks that some of this had been long overdue for him too. Maybe tonight he saw the light and could work at finding his own happiness. I hoped he could truly do that, but the look on his face when he’d left worried me.
We pulled up to the house and Gyth came around to my side of the truck to help me out. I knew he had been worried about me as we made our way home, but he let me work it out with just his presence there to comfort me.
“Ready, beautiful?” he asked, holding out a hand as he usually did, waiting for me to take it when I was ready.
Smiling, I didn’t grab it right away. Sitting on the edge of the truck seat, facing him, I said, “I just want you to know I am okay. Thank you for letting me work through that on the way home. It was exactly what I needed and you always seem to know that.” Then I placed my palm in his and continued, “I will go anywhere with you, now and always.”