Page 35 of Forbidden Souls
I lifted one hand and smacked her sexy backside and then rubbed it with the palm of my hand, to soothe the sting I had surely inflicted.
“You don’t have to answer, baby, because I am going test every one of them on this fucking magnificent body of yours, stopping at my favorite spots to pay a little extra attention.”
Her jaw dropped open and I used that to my advantage, slamming my mouth over hers and piercing my tongue deep inside. She gave as good as she got and then upped the ante when her hand slid down my stomach and took hold of my cock. I was damn lucky I held it together at her touch. But when her hand started to move, my body jolted and a roaring noise started to rumble inside me.
I was going to lose my load in record time which may be embarrassing, but then again, it just showed that her touch was like a match—it lit me on fire at first strike and could send me up in flames.
Dropping my head, I looked between us at the sight of her pumping me over and over. The pressure built up, and I erupted like a damn geyser. Jets of come shot from my cock, hitting her stomach and a loud roar was unleashed from my lips. She stayed with me the whole time until I came down from the mind-altering orgasm that had just taken over my body like some alien invasion.
When she released me and started to sink to her knees, I had to quickly pull it together and gather her back up. She looked into my eyes with an unsure look on her face as if she thought I didn’t want her mouth on me. That was the farthest thing from the truth, but I needed to recoup. And then, I wanted to return the favor.
“Baby, I want nothing more than those luscious lips wrapped around my cock, but it’s your turn. And besides, you just turned me inside out and I need to recover.”
A smile broke across her pretty face at my words, and then I busted up laughing at the ones she spoke next.
“Get to it then, Pretty Boy.”
“Looks like someone needs another spanking for her bossy mouth. Is that what you want, baby?”
For a second, a shy expression crossed her face and then the Alley I had gotten to know appeared. A sultry look etched her features and she replied, “Bring it.”
She waskillingme. This is how it had been with us before and it was so fucking good to have it back. Once again, I thought about how I just needed to keep it this way.
“Honey, I’m gonna bring it alright.”
And then I set out to do just that.
* * *
Once the favor was returned,I left Alley in the shower in a puddle of goo so she could recoup too.
I headed to the kitchen to grab some coffee and sat down at the table to think. Knowing I needed to handle things just right so I didn’t mess up with my lady, I pondered what I should and shouldn’t do, but decided I would try and take my cues from her. Lost in thought, I realized an hour had passed and wondered when she would show her gorgeous face. But when that never happened, I went in search of the little minx.
Peeking in her office, I found her sitting at her desk, her hands flying over the keyboard with warp speed. Standing in her peripheral vision, she hadn’t even noticed me standing there watching her. Whatever she was writing must really have had her attention. From my spot I could see the cute little facial expression she was making as she wrote and had to hold back a chuckle so I didn’t disturb her. Besides, it was fun to watch her while she worked. I assumed that was what she was doing since I had witnessed it many times before.
A memory of us at my place after we had been seeing each other for a while filtered through my mind. I had come home with a pile of papers for a case I needed to finish and Alley had shown up with a bag of Chinese take-out and her computer. We ate, talked, and then sat at the table, each of us engrossed in our work in silence, but we were together. And it felt right, both of us at ease and comfortable with each other. It had always been that way with her.
Now there I was, no job, and Alley was following her dream and doing something she had always wanted to do. Not once had she let anyone else yank her from the path she was on or sway her decisions as I had. I was so fucking proud of her.
Alley was an amazing storyteller and had been writing stories since she was very young. They just happened to get smuttier over time. I had read everything she wrote. So as I watched her there from the doorway, I knew she was knee-deep in her plot. But it was her breathing that had picked up and the soft moan she made told me it was a sex scene she was working on. I couldn’t hold back the chuckle.
She did a one-eighty in her chair, spinning toward me at the sound, her eyes wide, and her jaw gaping open. Her expression was comical, like the cat that just ate the canary. She knew she had been caught.
“Tell me, love, were you thinking of me as the words on your screen came to life?”
I had to duck because the girl was quick and before I knew it, she’d picked up a pen and chucked it at me. Some may say my woman had anger issues, but I like to call it spirit. It was something I adored about her and had no problem taking it on.
“I let the pancake go, but that one just earned you another swat on that very sweet ass of yours.”
Moving into the room and closer to Alley, she looked panicked as she spun back around toward her monitor and frantically closed her laptop.
“You do know I read every one of your books so I will eventually see what you just wrote, right?” I asked as I raised one brow.
It was cute as hell to see her shocked look mixed with her embarrassed, pink-tinted cheeks. Alley, embarrassed, that didn’t happen often, and it was damn fun to see. It didn’t last long though, sassy Alley came back in a flash.
“Maybe I will just take it out and then you won’t see shit. How about that?” She may have asked a question, but she wasn’t waiting for an answer. “Now that you interrupted my flow, I’m going to get some coffee.” She left her chair and headed out of the room, leaving me to follow.
I paused a minute wondering if I flipped the computer back open would I catch a glimpse of what she wrote.