Page 36 of Forbidden Souls
“Don’t even think about touching my shit and peeking!” she yelled from down the hall.
I roared in laughter as I followed her toward the kitchen, where I found her already cup in hand, pouring a cup of Joe. After she drowned the coffee with creamer she’d pulled from the fridge and added a pound of sugar, she took her drink and sat down at the table.
Once again, I stood in the doorway and took her in. She had thrown on some baggy black sweats, a white tank top, and her hair was thrown wildly in a messy knot at the top of her head. She took my breath away. My girl was off the charts beautiful and could pull off any look she chose.
I gave myself a second to just be in her space because what I was about to ask could have her running, even if it needed to be addressed. There was probably much to talk about but one thing at a time and baby steps might be best. My gut hurt and my heart ached just thinking of the word baby steps.
Fuck, my baby girl deserved to be here and take her first steps. Like always, knowing that would never happen had pain slicing through me.
“Why do you look sad?’”
Shit, the last thing I wanted was for Alley to get upset right then so I redirected and jumped in with what I wanted to talk to her about, which was a similar subject.
“I’m fine, but don’t you think we should talk about Vegas and the fact we didn’t use protection, and what that might mean?”
Wow, I was full of finesse blurting it out as I had. And watching her face fall as she sucked in a huge breath of air, made me feel like an ass.
Leaving the wall I had been leaning up against, I walked to the table and took a seat across from her. “Babe, I promise it will be okay. No matter what happens, either way, we are going to be okay.”
I meant what I had told her because I would fight to make sure that happened, but I didn’t know that she believed me.
“Trust me?” I added, a pleading look in my eyes.
It was easy to see her body was wound tight. She put her cup down and sighed. “Landon—”
She was cut off by the doorbell ringing and then the sound of the door opening.
“Hey girlfriend!” I heard my sister’s voice ring out. Then Summer was upon us and in the kitchen too. “Oh,” was all she said when she walked in, looking at the two of us sitting at the table. “Did I interrupt?”
“No,” Alley said, at the same time as I said the exact opposite.
“Oops,” was Summer’s next words, and then she walked right in like she lived there and went to the coffee pot too.
I guess she did live there, but it wasn’t for long and she was hardly ever at the house. But I was here for now and I seriously needed to talk to Alley. It looked like that would have to wait again.
“Lovely to see you, Landon,” Summer said, a weird look on her face.
Great, you would have thought the girls had run to the bathroom last night to gossip or something from the vibe I was getting. But since Alley was in bed with me the whole time, I would have to guess they used modern technology after I fell asleep. Hence my sister showing up here this morning, acting odd.
Alley’s next comment confirmed it.
“Umm, the girls and I decided last night that we would have lunch today,” she told me. “I have to go get ready, but we’ll talk later.”
She was out of her chair and disappeared from the kitchen faster than Flash from the DC comics. The girl had some superpowers. But that left me all alone with my sister and I had a feeling that wasn’t a good thing.
“Let’s talk,” she said in a sweet voice.
This was not how I imagined my morning going when I woke up, but I guess it was my fate.
“Nothing I would love more, but let me grab a pot of coffee first,” I teased.
I loved my sister, but she wasn’t the one I wanted to be talking to right now.
“Don’t be a smart ass, darling brother,” she bantered back.
I motioned to the chair that Alley had just vacated and waited for Summer to sit down and have her say.