Page 73 of Forbidden Souls
My wife had never understood her appeal or her beauty.
She’d told me she had just picked up some dress but that it was no big deal. So, I wasn’t quite prepared for the sight before me when she walked down the stairs and made her way to me. Her dress lay like a second skin against her body, curves in all the right places. Her breasts were plump from breastfeeding the baby and she had a slight pooch still from the pregnancy, but everything about her was exquisite and perfect.
But what got me the most wasourdaughter who was cradled in her arms. For a brief second, I thought about how much my parents were missing out on, but they hadn’t earned a place in our lives, and I honestly didn’t know if they ever would.
It was their loss.
Alley suddenly appeared in front of me, pulling me from thoughts of the two people who I had no business thinking of. Not right then. Fast asleep, Noelle was dressed in the cutest cream colored baby dress that matched her mother. One good thing that came out of having to wait until later to be married again, was that Noelle was right there with us.
Leaning over, I kissed my daughter’s forehead and then planted a soft kiss on my wife’s lips.
‘Hey now, you're jumping the gun, buddy,” Kace said, laughing. “Let’s get started. Is everyone here?” he asked, looking around the room to make sure he saw everyone there.
I rubbed my arm and watched Alley’s eyes take notice. Then shifting the baby to one arm, she put out her other. I moved to stand beside her for a second and placed the inner surface of my forearm against hers, bringing them together.
A week ago, she and I had our tattoos done that I had designed. With the two parts meshed together it was complete just like I had planned. And at that moment, it felt like Hannah was right there with us. I looked at Alley and mouthed,love youbefore moving back to my spot so I was facing her once again.
“That’s amazing,” Kace said.
Nobody had seen them yet and while he could, the others stood back just a little so they didn’t have a clear view, but I am sure they would be asking to take a peek right after.
And on that note, Kace began to help us renew our vows.
* * *
It was a sweet renewing of vows and one I will always cherish.
Kace did his thing and was his normal smartass self. It was no wonder why he and I got along so well, kindred spirits in the sassy department and all. But it was Embry who stole the show.
After Kace went through his part, the two of us decided to say a little something to each other. I would like to blame the tears that streamed down my cheeks on pregnancy hormones still, but in all honesty, it was just my amazing husband and the way he was with words.
“When you walked into my life you changed me. Who knew a young girl at the age of twelve could have so much power to make the world a better place for someone like me?” Landon had his hands placed on my arms tenderly, as I held our sweet baby in mine. “I had everything I could ever want or need within grasp at a moment’s notice, but I was never happy.”
Every emotion was fluttering across his face and watching him, hearing his words had my heart beating wildly.
“Alley, you have two amazing best friends, and I was lucky to have Braxton as one as well. But if I am being an honest man then I have to tell you as strange as it may sound, you have been my best friend since the moment you walked into my life. You listened to me, you challenged me, and you believed in me. And then, one day everything changed, and although you still will always be my best friend, you became the love of my life.”
Seeing my husband cry was always a killer for me. Yet, I adored that he could be free with his emotions and not hold back.
“Thank you for being in my life, and for giving me two beautiful daughters. One may be in Heaven, but she will always be in our hearts. You guys are my everything. You areMi Tesoroand I love you with all my heart,” he finally finished, his voice strangled, but he got through it.
Noelle had been sound asleep but chose that moment to squirm in my arms as if she could sense her daddy was talking about her. Landon looked down at his daughter with adoration in his eyes and then leaned in and kissed me.
“Still not at that part,” Kace said, as everyone laughed, before he looked at me. “Alley, the floor is yours.”
How was I supposed to follow that?
I wasn’t sure, but I was going to give it my best shot. He loved me, so I just needed to be myself and say what was in my heart.
“When I was twelve, I did have two best friends, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have room in my life for a third. You say I changed your world, but the truth is, you changed mine. I had my amazing brother,” I said, looking over and smiling at Brax, “but then I got a second big brother. You took care of me too. You listened, you stood up for me, and you made me feel safe... just like him.”
I gulped, a lump forming in my throat. So many emotions were racing through me.
“The change may have started a little earlier for me than you. I mean who could blame me, you were hot—”