Page 74 of Forbidden Souls
I was interrupted by a raise of Landon’s eyebrows and him questioning me. “Iwashot?”
Everyone chuckled.
Giggling, I replied, “Still are, baby, calm down.”
That got another round of laughter.
“Anyway, as I was saying... It was a crush. But later, I fell in love. And I only know what that kind of love feels like because ofyou. I am so sorry I let you go once, and I will miss our Hannah always, but I will forever be thankful that you never gave up on me. Noelle and Hannah are damn lucky to have you as their father—”
Just then another interruption came, but this one from Embry. “You owe me money for my swear jar!” she exclaimed as Jurnee tried hushing her.
“I will make sure to put it in when we are done,” I told the little one, smiling. Then I wrapped up my speech.
“I am glad to call you my husband. And although we still have two more weeks to be able to return to our regularly scheduled program,” I said, trying to be discreet since there were little ears present in the room, “I just have to say, you will be getting lucky as soon as the time comes and I am cleared. I love you with all my heart, Pretty Boy.”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Not only because of our vows, but also thanks to the side notes in between. And when Embry homed in on my words and responded, it was the funniest thing ever.
“How come Uncle Landon gets lucky, Mommy? I want to get lucky too!”
And since Hudson adored his sister and liked to mimic her, he started running in circles yelling, “Get yucky, get yuck!”
As the room exploded, I glanced at my brother who looked as if he may have a stroke at any minute.
Kace didn’t help matters and kept it going when he looked at Braxton and said, “Dude, you are insomuch trouble when they get older.” When Kace smirked and added a wink, I knew my brother was holding back and would like to beat his friend silly right about then.
Was it just our group or did we have more fun and laughter during wedding vows than most? A huge smile spread across my face, just as my husband leaned in and kissed his daughter on the forehead, and then being careful of his little Noelle, he took my lips in a mind-altering kiss.
It was going to be damn hard to keep my lady parts to myself from my hot as hell and truly amazing husband for another two weeks.
“We are going to belate,”I moaned.
“Want me to stop?” asked my husband, his voice strained as he worked his magic.
“Don’t you dare, Pretty Boy!” I screamed just as my orgasm hit and I tumbled off a cliff into ecstasy, Landon following me over.
“That was...” I panted, barely able to get words out. “Earth-shattering.”
We should have been leaving, but the baby fell asleep for her nap and hadn’t woken up yet, so we took advantage of the time we had.
After all, we were making up for lost time.
* * *
We’d finally madeit toNo Surrender.
The guys were having a late lunch for Gemma on her last day of work. As much as she hated to go and leave the guys once again with no receptionist, the men had insisted knowing she had added more classes to her college course load. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be long until someone answered their ad.
Everyone was eating and talking when Noelle let out a loud cry. I had just fed her so I knew she wasn’t hungry. I looked down at my precious girl dressed in her baby jeans and warm pink sweater. I’d also found her the cutest little brown boots. I had an addiction to buying baby clothes. When I looked back up at Landon, he was smiling at me.
“Hand her over. I will go check her diaper,” he told me.
Landon was a hands-on father. He didn’t miss a beat to help with anything and everything. We worked as a team to make our daughter happy and create the best possible life for her. After opening his own small law practice and helping the guys, his schedule was his own to make. Always one to put our family first, he worked around my writing, ensuring our schedules meshed perfectly. And he was drawing and embracing his art that he hid for so long because of his parents. We were even planning on doing some more children’s books together.