Page 8 of Dare Me
“No, thanks. I’d better head on up. Unlike you, my day starts early.” She started to get up and realized that she was already feeling tipsy. “Actually, I think I’ll order some food before I go.” She sat back down before she fell down.
“Sure thing, boss. What’ll it be?” Wyatt asked.
“The special.” She shook her head when he started to move to the computer to punch in her order. “No, wait, a cheeseburger, fries, and a vanilla milkshake,” she said with a smile. “Leon makes the best. Put that it’s for me on the ticket. He knows how I like my burger.”
Wyatt nodded and then added her order to the system. “More soda?”
She pushed the empty wine glass aside. “Water. Hydration.”
Wyatt chuckled, then gave her a glass of water before turning to help two women with their orders.
Jade noticed, as she had since she’d arrived, how much attention Wyatt got from the women. What woman wouldn’t go weak in the knees when a man like him smiled or flirted with them? But there was something else that Jade had noticed. Wyatt didn’t really seem to care too much about it. His eyes were always scanning the room, as if watching for… something or someone.
This thought had her heart sinking slightly. Of course. He was obviously seeing someone. Maybe even married. She glanced over to his ring finger. Okay, so a lot of married bartenders don’t wear rings to get better tips. Right?
The more she watched him, the more she realized that there were clear signs that he wasn’t looking for any one person. Which meant, it most likely wasn’t someone he knew.
The two women who had parked themselves at the end of the bar were trying their hardest to flirt with Wyatt. Even though outwardly it appeared he was flirting back, she could tell that he wasn’t interested.
It was the little things he did. One, he didn’t lean in to talk to either of them the way he had with her. Two, he kept his hands busy, as if to tell the women, I’m working here. And three, he kept stealing glances over at her, and she could see the lack of interest in the two women’s conversation in his eyes.
She’d never been able to read anyone so easily before. Most men that she’d dated or been interested in had been an enigma. No matter what they had done, she could never ascertain their feelings or reasons. Not even Elliot, whom she’d dated for three months and had lived with for two.
It had come as a huge surprise when Elliot had brought over a quote-unquote friend, Rodney, and had hinted at having a threesome with her.
When she’d politely turned them down, Elliot had pulled her aside and berated her for offending Rodney. Two months later, she’d run into the happy couple, who had adopted two dogs and were living together.
She was happy for them, really, but wow, talk about blindsiding someone. She’d been thinking that Elliot had been getting ready to propose to her.
Part of the reason she’d wanted to move back down here was that things would be less complicated. She wasn’t ready to commit to anyone. Letting someone in that deep makes you feel the sting of having to let them go all the more.
But tourist flings had a whole different set of expectations. Her first time had even been with a guy who had been staying at the resort with his family. They’d booked the suite across from the Sunset Suite for an entire month.
She’d just turned eighteen and had liked Bobby instantly. It was no wonder they were still pen pals. He’d gone on to Harvard and was now practicing law just outside of the Boston area. He was happily married with two kids and another on the way.
Her parents and his were still friendly and every so often they’d chat on the phone, or she’d video conference with him and his wife Kathrine. She had even been a bridesmaid in their wedding.
Why couldn’t all of her relationships end as peacefully as that one had?
Wyatt made his way back over to her and set down the large platter of food that had been delivered for her.
“Last call. Are you sure you don’t want another glass of wine to go with that?” he asked as she uncovered the tray of food.
“No.” She sighed as the smell of the burger hit her. “God, I’ve missed this.” She waved her hand, letting the scent of melted cheese, seasoned meat, and toasted bun hit her.
Then she took up a crisp fry and dipped it into the ice-cold shake and closed her eyes as she ate it.
“I’ve got to try that soon,” Wyatt said, getting her attention.
She nodded to her plate. “Be my guest.”
It was only after she offered that she realized he hadn’t been talking about the fries. His eyes were glued to her lips. To her mouth. Then her face heated when she realized she’d just practically orgasmed right there in front of him to a French fry dipped in ice cream.
Still, thankfully, he reached over, took a fry from her plate, and dipped it in the shake. She watched his reaction and smiled when he nodded.
“Yeah, I can see why you reacted that way. It’s…”
“Orgasmic,” she supplied, and he chuckled.