Page 48 of Prepared (Auctioned)
When all was said and done, the game ended 16-4 to Team Gray.
You’re enjoying this too much, boy.
“And then he was all, oh, I’m gonna fucking end you!” You’re mocking Ryan.
That’s fine. He deserves a little mocking. Just be careful. We still have some tricks up our sleeves, and we can spell revenge.
I groan as the hot water cascades down my body, loosening the tension in my shoulders.
Ryan enters the showers right after, obviously having heard you. And Abel. And your brothers. And Shay.
“I see we’re still hating on the elderly,” he grumbles. “Just wait.”
I grab the bar of soap and glance over to you, and it makes me chuckle. You and Abel are enjoying the view, that’s for sure.
“Damn, you all have such nice asses,” Abel says. “It’s been fun mopping the floor—excuse me, the ice—with them.”
Very funny.
“Tell them where we’re headed after lunch,” Reese says.
My brother perks up and smirks. “The shooting range.”
Now we’re talking.
You’re not so cocky anymore, knucklehead. You may perform well there—in fact, you’ll do the best on your team—but the rest of you cocky little punks? Don’t think so.
Well, this was embarrassing. Gray couldn’t stop yawning.
At eight o’clock at night.
“Just say the word, baby.” Darius wagged his most prized possession, the pink tin jar with excuses, and pulled into the parking lot at the marina.
Gray chuckled and scrubbed his hands over his face.
What a day.
At this hour, they would normally have finished all their chores. They would’ve had dinner too. Cassidy would be down for the night. Justin would be fighting sleep in front of his cartoons. Darius would’ve showered and sat down at the table to go through Jayden’s homework. While Gray tidied up in the kitchen before he took a shower too. And then the two would collapse on the couch in sweatpants. Sometimes, there were cookies. Always a cup of coffee. Peace and quiet. The news or a movie. Some drowsy plan-making for the following day.
Not tonight.
“Hoo, look alive, Nolan.” Gray smacked his cheeks and shook his head.
That one-hour nap they’d gotten at home hadn’t been nearly enough. First, the hockey had taken it out of him. Then the lunch that had followed where Gray had laughed so hard his stomach was still aching.
Every married man in their party had shared some words of wisdom with Gray and Darius, including the Tenleys, who weren’t technically married, but fuck it. In every way that mattered, they were.
As if that hadn’t been enough, they’d gone to the shooting range after lunch. Ryan had gotten the chance to reinflate his ego as their number one marksman, and Gray had impressed his brothers and friends with his own results.
Then they’d parted ways for a bit to rest up and get ready for the evening.
Considering all the trouble their best men had gone to to give Gray and Darius memories for a lifetime, there wasn’t a chance in hell Gray would allow them to look dead on their feet as they walked into Darius’s restaurant for a night of eating, drinking, and who knew what else.
“You’ll have the rest of our life to distribute those excuses, honey. Tonight, we party.” Or something. Gray stepped out of the Wagoneer and adjusted his tie. “Tonight, I check out your ass in those pants.”
It wasn’t often Darius donned clothes he couldn’t find in his flannel catalogue, so Gray was going to savor every moment. He’d managed to convince Darius to put on a nice shirt too. He’d even shined his shoes for the occasion. And put on a sexy watch.
Gray was a bit more used to the nicer outfits since he dressed up for his job at the inn.
“I feel like a puppet,” Darius muttered and locked the car.
“Yeah, but you’re my puppet. My handsome, gorgeous, fuckable, sexy beast puppet.”
Darius lifted his brows. “Keep going.”
Gray grinned and met Darius behind the car, quick to grab his hand. “Or we go see what the guys have done to your restaurant, and if you’re a good boy, I’ll stroke your ego all night long.”
Darius chuckled. “Deal.”
They left the parking lot together, and Gray spotted Madigan and Reese coming from the next row over, and they were carrying impressive stacks of pizza boxes.
Abel had texted earlier. He’d been given permission to go nuts tonight, so Madigan had offered to be one of the designated drivers who’d stop sippin’ beer after dinner. Ryan had offered up Greg as another designated driver, and last but not least, Lincoln and Aiden were on call starting at midnight. If they needed more drivers, they could reach out, provided Lincoln and Aiden were allowed to record anything remotely embarrassing.
Plenty of people crowded the boardwalk leading up to the pier and the marina, and despite the large “Private Party” sign on the front door of Quinn’s Fish Camp, a few tugged at the handle and looked confused when nothing happened.