Page 49 of Prepared (Auctioned)
Darius retrieved his keys around the same time Madigan and Reese joined them, and it was clear that everyone was dressing up for the evening. Nice. Gray was going to take a truckload of pictures and selfies tonight.
“Lookin’ good, gentlemen.” Gray got a whiff of a combo of Darius’s cologne and pizza, and he didn’t know what he loved the most.
“Right back at you, kid.” Reese smirked and stepped inside first.
The restaurant was lit up dimly and with plenty of tealight candles on the tables, and it appeared everyone had arrived already. A rush of warmth flooded Gray as the cheerful voices reached his ears. Case and Boone cracking up with Ryan and Greg, Sebastian slinging beers behind the bar—even though he was here as a guest, not a bartender—half a dozen men erupting in “Finally” at the sight of pizza… A solid twenty-five men had to be here, Gray guesstimated. With a few additions since the hockey game and the shooting range—Sebastian and Blake, Adam and Jack…oh. They officially had three sets of twins in the house. Adam and Jack Grady, Gideon and Gabriel fuckin’ Nolan, and, of course, the sadistic Tenleys.
Gray walked over to the center of the group of tables near the bar and draped an arm around Niko. “Twins everywhere! If it weren’t for my brothers, I’d ask if you’d seen my Pornhub search history. Should I have brought singles?”
“Darius and I are Irish twins—does that count?” Ryan asked.
“Of course it does.” Gray had to be clear about this.
“Boy, I’m cutting you off before your first drink,” Darius said.
In his dreams!
“Okay, now we can eat!” Abel yelled over the din. “We’ll be discussing Pornhub search history later.”
Oh hell.
Gray laughed and dove for the nearest pizza box.
“Everyone, simmer down!” Ryan handled the hollering when they were halfway through the pizza boxes. “We wanna welcome y’all to the official bachelor party for Gray and Darius, who, in forty-eight hours, will’ve tied the knot and become the ball to the other’s chain. You’re gonna love it.”
Gray smiled widely around the slice of fantastic meat lover’s pizza he was inhaling.
Avery stood beside Ryan and took over the next part. “Before you say ‘I do’ to each other, however, it’s our duty as your friends and family to make sure you know each other well enough to walk down the aisle.” Abel came over to join them, and he handed Avery an iPad. “Thanks. With contributions from everyone in attendance here tonight, we’ve put together a list of questions that will hopefully reassure, amuse, and take us by storm.”
Darius had ended up at a table with Adam, Reese, and Blake, where they’d been discussing something so boring as different types of stoves and heating sources, whereas Gray was two tables over with Shay, Niko, Gabriel, and Gage. And they were all told to stay where they were.
The restaurant was shaped sort of like an L, with the bar and the smaller seating area the first thing you encountered when you came in. And that was where they’d stay tonight, because the main dining area that took up most of the establishment had been sealed off for wedding preparations. Or reception preparations, rather.
“Here’s the thing, guys,” Ryan went on. “Given the sheer amount of embarrassing stories we can share about Gray and Darius, thanks to those of us who’ve been fortunate enough to grow up alongside one of them, we have the firepower to turn the wedding into a bloodbath. But since we happen to love you two—and maybe because Elise and Angel gave us the business—” at that, Avery nodded soberly in agreement to what Ryan said “—we won’t do that. Which means, it’s all coming out tonight. Away from kids, away from parents. Or most of it, anyway.”
Most of it.
Heh. Well, that was…good. But now, Gray got nervous about their plans for tonight, instead. His brothers would have a metric shit-ton of childhood stories.
“Darius, you can’t even guess how much I’ve cleaned up my speech for the wedding,” Avery said.
Darius tipped his beer bottle to his buddy. “If you really love me, you’ll shoot for clean and wholesome tonight too.”
That made everyone laugh.
“Only your mother loves you that much,” Avery chuckled.
Darius instantly flicked a glance to Gray in question.
“And me, baby,” Gray assured. “Absolutely.”
Darius nodded in satisfaction and sat a little straighter.
“So let’s begin!” Abel declared. “The rules are simple. If the question is about Gray, Darius answers. And vice versa. Which actually brings us straight to the first question. Avery?”
Oh no.
Gray had a feeling he knew.
Avery smiled and read from the tablet. “Darius, when Gray was little—and by little, I mean twelve—he didn’t say vice versa. He said something else.”
Gray groaned and shot a glare at Gage. His big brother must’ve shared that tidbit, unless they’d gone to Mom too.