Page 12 of Trust the Fall
“Jesus, Victoria. You need to pull yourself together.” His eyes are slammed shut. “Nolda can’t know I’ve found a loophole.”
“Don’t curse, Luke,” I scold, because I’m warring between embarrassment at how much I want more and anger at being told no.
He chuckles. “I promise you, love. I won’t stop next time.”
Inhaling and exhaling to calm my frayed nerves, I nod, understanding that lust in Hell can’t do anything but cause more problems for me.
“When will you come to me again?”
“As soon as I can.”
He leans in, brushing his lips over mine tenderly, and disappears.
When I open my eyes, I’m alone in the room. Even the shadow demons from before are absent.
Why did Luke think someone was coming?
Days have gone by and nobody has come to torment me or otherwise. I’ve been practically crawling the walls of this tiny prison, desperate for any sort of conversation, wondering how long I would be forced to remain here. The thought of eternity in this place is worse than ultimate death.
Luke will find a way. He said he would, and I know he will.
He loves me and I love him.
Despite everything, I could feel the truth in his words the first time he spoke them. I felt it just now in the way he touched me.
He will come for me.
“Still on that dead-end road, Victoria?” Nolda singsongs, walking through the door. “He’s not coming here. He still can’t gain access. Believe me... he’s tried.”
He strolls in wearing his deceptively good-looking glamour. Dark hair, hazel eyes, full lips... too bad it isn’t real.
“He’ll get in. I know it.” There’s no doubt in my voice, and Nolda simply rolls his eyes back into his head.
“Well, no matter. Someone is here to see you.”
I sit up on my knees, head nearly hitting the top of the cage.
A raven-haired beauty practically glides through the door. She’s opposite of me in every way but the eyes. Her brilliant blue irises practically glow, drilling into me. She’s tall, but not quite as tall as me from what I can tell. Her black, form-fitting leather getup molds to her curves like a second skin.
She purses her full lips, narrowing her cat-like eyes at me, sniffing the air and narrowing her eyes as if she knows what just occurred.
“This is her?” She sucks in one cheek. “Interesting.”
My eyes bounce between the demon and newcomer, waiting for one of them to let me in on who the visitor is and what exactly she finds so damn interesting.
When neither of them says anything more, I speak up. “Who are you?”
The woman quirks one perfectly shaped brow. “Who am I?” Her dainty hands rise to her chest as if I mortally offended her, and that’s when I know exactly who she is.
“Am I supposed to know you?” I purse my lips, studying her sharp features and deciding to have a little fun with her.
I don’t need to have my angelic abilities to know I’ve bruised her fragile ego. Anger radiates from her, smelling sour and all wrong. Exactly what I hoped for.
Her eyes smolder indigo, shifting with her mood. “I’m queen of the underworld,darling.”
That title threatens to double me over. I know all about this creature and what she means to the underworld.