Page 13 of Trust the Fall
What she means to Luke.MyLuke.
No, I shake my head. Not Luke... Lucifer.
They may be one and the same to most, but I know better. Luke is the real man hiding behind the façade he’s forced to wear.
This woman only knows the fake persona. She’ll never know him like I do.
She thinks she’s shaken me—and she momentarily had—but I refuse to let her rattle me any more. Instead, I decide to toy with the “queen of the damned”a little more.
I raise my brow to match hers. “Persephone? Is that you?” I say in mock surprise, trying and failing to hide my smirk.
Persephone is a legendary god created by humans, and by the anger radiating off the woman, I’ve managed to piss her off by insinuating otherwise. Knowing I’ve affected her, I allow the smirk to show.
“I see it now,” she says, drawing closer.
“See what,Lilith?” I practically spit her name back at her, allowing the disdain to seep through.
“Ah... so we’re done playing games then? Good.” She circles the cage like a cat, sizing up a small defenseless mouse. But I’m no mouse, and I’ll never cower to her. “You and I share so much.”
“We share nothing,” I snap.
“Oh, but you know that’s not true. I can smell your desire wafting through this room like a thick cologne. It’s suffocating.”
I can’t help the full-wattage smile that spreads across my face. Her tone gave away the jealousy, and it’s like a symphony I never want to end. Any sort of distress I can bring to her will be my new goal.
“We both own the affection”—her smile melts into a deep frown—“ofmylord, but it’s me who’s had every piece of him.”
She’s intimidated by my presence. The thought of Lucifer having real feelings for someone else, when all she’s ever been is a concubine—a sexual object for his amusement—hurts her. This evil woman is actually wounded.
Good. Now we’re really going to have fun.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Lilith. I have his heart. Something you’ve never had.”
She growls. “You don’t know anything!” The cage shakes with the force of her anger.
“You’re here with him,” I jab my finger toward the hallway where Nolda slunk off to do whatever he does. “Lucifer could never love you for that betrayal alone,” I snarl. “It’s me he loves, Lilith. Whatever affection you think he has for you isn’t real.”
A slow, merciless grin spreads across her face. “You don’t know him at all. He’ll throw pretty promises your way. Anything to convince you to give yourself to him. Like before.”
I internally cringe at her mention of Luke’s deception the first time around. Of course this vile woman knows. I’m sure she got quite the kick out of watching me crumble.
“Then... once he’s had you,” she says, wrapping her hands around the cage bars, leaning in close. “He’ll toss you aside, just like he does all the others.” She bites her lip. “Then he’ll run back to my bed. Like... Every. Single. Time.” She shrugs one shoulder. “I have something you never will.”
“Loose morals?”
She narrows her eyes. “Lucifer’s devotion.” She licks her lips. “His touch. His lips. His tongue. His body. I’ve had it all. For millennia.”
A chill seeps into my bones, burrowing deep inside. The thought of everything this creature has enjoyed with Luke affects me far greater than anything I’ve experienced since arriving in Hell.
She’s been with him in every sense. Their connection is far greater than anything we ever shared. And that just about kills me to think about.
She knows just how badly that reminder hurts, and she’s reveling in it.
“Anyway... I just came to see what his latest conquest was like. I might have a slight obsession with his toys.”
“Liar. You know I’m different. You said so moments ago. You’ve never bothered with any of his ‘conquests.’ You and I both know that when he comes for me, and he will, you’ll be tossed aside for good. After he has me, he’ll never be able to stomach you again.”
She bares her teeth, screeching so loud my eardrums pulse, but I don’t dare react. I refuse to show weakness in front of this awful woman. When she’s finally done with her tantrum, it’s my turn to smile widely, because her reaction just proves my point. She knows damn well that I’m not one of Lucifer’s toys.