Page 26 of Trust the Fall
“You’re reading my mind?” I seethe. “You’re lucky I don’t have Solis with me. You’d be a goner.”
He laughs. “You can try, little angel.”
“I’d be careful if I were you,” River warns. “She’s very touchy about the whole mind intrusion thing you all do around here.”
Nolda flicks his wrist at River as if to shoo him away.
“Nolda, you didn’t ask my queen to come all of this way just to parade half-naked women and Hell’s lackeys in front of her. So why am I here?” River barks, not at all bothered by the evil in this room.
If anything, he seems a little too comfortable for my liking.
My cheeks heat as all eyes in the room glide over me due to his mention of my lack of dress. I try my best to turn my body to shield as much as possible from the prying eyes of the grotesque demons, but it’s no use. The women behind me yank on the chains binding my hands and legs, pulling me taut. My ample breasts strain against the thin material, and at any moment, I fear a nipple slip may occur.
“Patience, River. We will dine. Then I will lay it all out.”
“This has been a mistake,” the severe-looking blond man chides. “You allowed us entry. I simply wish to use the portal to the Fae kingdom and then I’ll be gone. A vampire war is brewing, and we’re attempting to stop it.”
Nolda slams his hands down onto the chair. A cracking sound emanates through the room, drawing all eyes to him.
“There are multiple wars brewing, Lawrence. Wars that we”—Nolda motions toward the other high demons—“welcome.”
“I’ll never allow it,” Julian bites through his teeth.
“Vampire royalty won’t stop Earth from falling,Crown.” Nolda spits the last word as an obvious insult.
Vampire royalty. This is the king of vampires?
I’ve heard of him, but this is the first time I’ve seen him. We’ve been in the same state since I’ve fallen, but we’ve never crossed paths. There was never a reason. In a strange way, we were allies.
He isn’t a vampire of Hell, but one cursed with a rare blood disease. He’s the first of his kind and not at all in line with the rogue vampires who terrorize Earth.
The vampires I hunt are the ones turned by others of his kind. They’re vampires he can’t control or those sent directly from Hell. From what I’ve learned, Julian Bellamy has found ways to control the vampire thirst. It’s rogue members of his council that threaten to undo that.
The war between vampires is not to be underplayed. If Julian’s adversaries win, vampires will walk on Earth undeterred. The human population will be depleted within a decade.
Either way—war between demons or war between vampires—earthly civilization will cease to exist.
“You’d be better off siding with us, Bellamy.”
The man attempts to stand to his feet, but the restraints pull him back into his chair. “Never,” Julian’s voice booms with the authority that Nolda lacks. This man—vampire—is true royalty. “You are not the king of Hell, Nolda. You’re a simple little demon who has gotten ahead of himself.”
“It’s Lucifer, Satan, king of the damned, who remains in place by God’s order. You have no power here.” Lawrence says, coming to his brother’s aid in insulting Nolda.
“God has no place here,” Nolda sneers, jumping to his feet. “I suggest you remember that, Lawrence. I’ll have you both tortured for eternity.”
“You’re forgetting something,” Julian says. “The Fae could join Heaven’s side, and you won’t win so easily if that happens.”
“The Fae have nothing to do with this. They’d never concern themselves with Earth. They’d thank us for ending it.”
Julian shakes his head. “Not true. They’ve been preparing a weapon against the vampire revolt. They have something in their possession that could stop you.”
Nolda’s eyes narrow as he stalks toward Julian. The vampire king doesn’t so much as flinch as Nolda approaches.
“Bumalin,” he snaps. “Is he lying?”
The creature rises, staggering toward Julian. He sniffs around his body for several minutes before shaking his head. The creature doesn’t speak, whether because he can’t or chooses not to, I don’t know.
Why would the Fae work to aid the good guys? They’re scary creatures who prefer to remain hidden. Not that I’ve ever encountered one, but stories about them are widespread in Heaven and on Earth. They loathe humans.