Page 27 of Trust the Fall
My thoughts are interrupted by Nolda calling out, “Your life is spared... for the moment.” He heads back toward his seat and yells, “Bring it in.”
In a flurry, women wearing sumptuous belly suits in all colors stroll in carrying covered dishes. The platters are set in the middle of the tables, while the demons continue to pound their forks and knives into the wood, creating an unnecessary cacophony of noise.
The women remove the lids to the dishes, uncovering the feast laid out before the rows of hungry demons. It’s all meat. Something akin to a boar’s head stares directly at me, and I grimace. On other platters there are all sorts of meats that I can’t place. I don’t think I want to even consider what they might be.
I’m jerked backward by the chains still binding my hands and legs. The women drag me to a corner of the room, where a large, tilted, cross-like apparatus is affixed to the wall. Large cuffs strategically placed on the wooden structure are unlocked, and that’s when I know the demons mean to affix me to the contraption.
Not without a fight.
I kick and thrash, trying to break free, but I’m overpowered five to one. My arms and legs are unbound just long enough for them to lift me up and attach each wrist to a shackle. My legs are spread wider, and each ankle is locked into a cuff. My body is pulled so taut, I’m afraid I might tear in half.
The redhead’s arm shoots out, and in one fell swoop, the thin layers that had once covered my most private parts are torn from my body. My nipples harden as the cold air washes over them and my eyes slam shut. Mortification and utter rage take over as I’m bared to the room.
A gasp comes from the front, and I don’t need to look to know it’s from the plain woman, Sarah.
“Is that quite necessary?” she berates the demons, obviously having a death wish.
Something crashes against a wall very close to where I’m currently fixed, but my eyes remain shut.
“It’s very necessary. She is Lucifer’s whore. I’ll degrade her in ways worse than this. If you’d prefer, I can make you the entertainment, Sarah.”
I concentrate on breathing, ignoring Nolda’s words.
Plan each and every one of their murders in my head.
“Take her down. Now.” My eyes fly open at the thunderous voice of River.
The entire room goes silent. Nolda doesn’t even make a peep. All eyes are turned to the massive warrior, who looks two seconds away from ending everyone in the room.
“I won’t say it again, Nolda. Get. Her. Down.”
Nolda’s head tilts to the side as he studies River. “Why?”
“Why?” River bellows. “I don’t owe you an explanation, demon.”
“You do here, in my house.”
River grinds his teeth. “I will leave this place and you will lose all hope of a reaper alliance. Take her down!” His words ricochet off the walls, and the tables tremble under the ferocity of it.
Nolda tries and fails to maintain an unaffected façade. His jaw clenches and his hands quake slightly. He flicks his wrist, giving the demon women the order to take me down.
Hot tears burn my eyes, but I refuse to show weakness in front of these vile creatures. With my shoulders back and breasts pressed forward, my eyes bore into Nolda as though my nakedness is of no concern to me.
Does he see what I’m trying to convey? That I will end his life.
Whatever playtime fantasy he’s been living will end. He will never rule Hell. I will die to ensure that.
“Take her back to her cage,” Nolda sneers.
I’m dragged backward, my eyes connecting with River’s.
A silent promise is exchanged. He will protect me, his expression says.
What he doesn’t realize is I don’t need protecting. I’m an angel, and I can take care of myself. I will find a way.