Page 88 of Blood that Burns
“Could you offer a reward for survivors?” I direct the question to Julian. “If they’re planning to eventually discard them, maybe they’d be willing to turn them over for clemency and a monetary reward? Even producing bodies is worth a reward. It would give their families closure.”
Julian scratches his chin, contemplating my suggestion. “That might work, Maggie.”
Marina smiles in my direction, but it’s Law that has my attention. I don’t miss the wide grin he attempts to smother behind his fist. Any form of praise from him causes butterflies and momentary dizziness.
I’ve still got it so bad for him.
“Count Westoff, I’d like to suggest that you lead this initiative, with the help of Sarah.”
He bows from his chair. “It would be our honor, Crown.”
Julian goes on to remind the council about Addy’s work with a human scientist and that she’ll be leaving soon to oversee his work and speed up the process of perfecting a blood alternative. She stands and addresses the Council for the first time.
As happy as I am that she’s getting her well-deserved spot in the Council, my mind drifts off to the one truth I haven’t been able to shake since the auction fell.
Marcellus knows that Law killed his father.
Don’t go there. Not here.
Law’s intrusion into my head is getting more annoying by the day.
We need to work on this whole privacy invasion.
Oh sunshine, you like that I can read your mind.
Not even a little. And it’s not fair that you can block me out.
Even my thoughts are whiny. God, I need a vacation.
Want me to whisk you off to the Amalfi Coast? It’s one of my favorite spots.
I said I need a vacation. Emphasis on I. Not you.
Sunshine... you wound me. Is this because you can’t read my mind?
No. It’s because I need a break from all of this. You included.
His chuckle sounds around the room and several heads turn in his direction.
He coughs. “Sorry,” he offers to Addy, who looks over at him with a pinched expression.
Sorry. Please continue with all the ways you need to run away from me.
Ugh. I’m not running. That’s your MO.
It’s very quiet after that. Law sits up straight in his chair and his head is turned away from me.
Whatever. Be pissed that I speak the truth.
He doesn’t say another word to me as the discussion amongst vampires continues and I work very hard to concentrate on that and not think about anything else that he’d be privy to.
“Vzar, you said you needed to address the Council?”
Vzar has been appointed one of the newest advisors to the Council. He’s proven to be a worthy ally, keeping his ear to the ground in the dark corners of New Orleans. If there’s any news on the war front, he’ll hear them there first.
Vzar stands to address the room. “Word has come from New Orleans that something major is happening in the city. Unprecedented events have brought the Nephilim to town. They’re hunting our kind.”
“Nephilim?” Count Sagar says in awe. “Are they hunting us because of the new bites?”