Page 89 of Blood that Burns
“I don’t know. None of my sources will get near them for fear of their lives. They’re not taking prisoners. It’s bad, Crown. The clubs are temporarily closed. But even worse, one source claims archangels were spotted.”
Gasps ricochet off the walls.
I was lost with the conversation of Nephilim, but archangels? On top of demons and dark witches? Seriously?
Not that I don’t believe in Heaven and Hell. I do. But faith is funny that way. We hope. We pray it’s true. But a part of us always wonders. Always questions if we’re fools to believe that life exists after this one.
“We need your help in New Orleans. And fast.”
Julian makes a noise between a sigh and a groan. “Things are such a mess.” His head is lowered for several moments as he appears to contemplate what to do.
“I’m not sure it’s in the Crown’s—the man, not the institution—best interest to head directly toward hunters,” a councilman with copper hair and hazel eyes says to no one in particular.
“Vzar, do you think you could get some more intel on what’s happening?”
“Definitely. I can pack my things and head back as soon as the meeting has ended.”
“Good. Thank you, Vzar.”
“Adèle, we need that blood alternative. With the clubs down, it will only lead to vampires taking stupid risks to get blood.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” she says, and Julian nods his head.
“I’m adjourning the Council. Anyone who wishes to return in forty-eight hours for the conclusion of the Count’s trial and execution of Byron may return. Otherwise, you’re free to go.”
The council members collect their things. Some appear eager to leave, while others linger to converse with their colleagues. After ten minutes, the room is cleared save for Julian, Law, Marina, and me.
“Anyone hungry?” Law asks, finally breaking the thick silence. “I’m starving.”
“You don’t get hungry,” Marina chuckles, calling him out. She’s right; vampires don’t require human food.
“Doesn’t stop me from craving pizza,” he says with a shrug.
I share a look with Law, both of us smiling at our private thoughts on the subject.
“You guys go ahead,” Julian suggests. “I need to talk to Marc. The sooner we get him to talk, the better.”
Things have been tough on Julian and Law. Bringing their brother in and holding him prisoner in the cellar hasn’t been easy. Despite all the bad he’s done, he’s still their family. Vampires don’t age, but Julian looks like this whole ordeal has cost him years. There are bags under his eyes, and he looks unkempt.
Marina’s sad eyes never stray from him. This is taking a toll on her too. She has no love for Marcellus, but she hates what the rift between brothers is doing to Julian. I only hope their love is strong enough to endure all that’s happened and all that’s to come. This unrest between vampires is far from over.
“Can I come with you?” I ask Julian.
Marina’s head snaps to me. “Why?” That one word is filled with accusation.
I know it bothers her that my stance on Marcellus differs from hers, but I can’t help it. He saved me and those girls. That doesn’t mean I expect her to forgive the wicked things he did to her friend, but I have questions for him. I’m struggling to reconcile the two versions of Marcellus Bellamy. The longer I’m away from his estate, the more things don’t add up, and I need answers. For starters, why did he allow himself to get caught?
“I want to hear what he has to say.” It’s all I offer.
My reasons are mine alone and I don’t really want Marina tagging along to make the meeting awkward. She’s refused every other time to go to the cell with Julian. I’m hopeful this time will be no different.
“Why don’t you go take a hot shower,” Julian suggests to Marina. “We’ll come grab you for dinner after we’re done.”
I’m surprised when she doesn’t fight his suggestion, or me, at all.
She walks around the table, leaning up on her toes to place a kiss on Julian’s mouth. His eyes close when her lips meet his, and I blush at bearing witness to the personal moment. I’m incredibly happy that my sister has found happiness, but I’d be a liar if I said I weren’t still very jealous.
Jealous that I have to share her time with Julian. Jealous that she gets to experience intimacy. But mostly, I’m jealous that Julian looks at her the way I’ve yearned for Law to look at me. Like a starving man. A man in love.