Page 78 of Breaking Lucia
I slump back as the last dribbles of cum are wiped against my lips, and I sob once before I get myself under control.
He stands up without saying a word to me, going back into his bedroom. I stay where I am, too dazed and upset to even comprehend trying to follow—and terrified I’d try to do something stupid like crawl to try to earn his forgiveness.
Victor comes back a few minutes later, wearing a shirt and a new pair of pajama pants. “Angelo or Santino?”
I finally wipe my eyes, looking up at him as I hold back tears. I don’t know what he’s asking at first.
“Who should I call to pick you up? I don’t really want you here anymore.”
The tears start spilling down my cheeks then, and I look down at the floor. How can he make me feel so terrible about myself, so low? I know I should be grateful that I get to be away from him, but I want his approval so fucking badly that I can barely handle it.
“Saint,” I whisper. He’s at least nice to me. Maybe he’ll clean me up, and he’s less likely to be angry about what I did. No matter how calm Angelo had been when he’d fucked me, he has to still be painfully aware that I’d called for help from his brother’s killer. Saint is the safest.
Victor pulls his phone out of his pocket and sends a text. When he’s done, he gives me that same cold look. “Stay there. Don’t move. The cum stays on your face.” He turns to leave but stops just short of the doorway. He looks over his shoulder and adds, “We could have had a nice time today.”
Then he’s gone. My heart is thudding loudly in my ears, and the tears keep falling.
This isn’t my fault, I tell myself.This is all Victor.
But I hate myself for ruining things anyway.
As soon as I see Lucia, my cock throbs. She’s sitting naked on the floor, crying, with cum drying on her face. I feel a bit guilty about how turned on I am, given how upset she is, but I have to admit that Victor did a number on her. She looks so vulnerable, so… open.
“Hey, kitten.” I squat down beside her and wipe a few of her tears away.
She looks up at me, sniffling. She’s one of those women who’s beautiful when she cries, not getting splotchy-faced, and I can see why Angel loves to make her cry. He’d probably love this, even more than I do, but I’m glad I’m the one here to get her.
“Hi,” she whispers. She doesn’t look relieved to see me, exactly, but something in her relaxes a little.
I kiss her head briefly, then start to get up. I’m startled when Lucia suddenly wraps an arm around my leg. “Don’t go!”
Damn, her stint in the box must have really affected her. I give her a reassuring smile and gesture toward the sink. “I’m just going to get a cloth to clean you up. Don’t worry, kitten.”
She flinches. “He said…” Her voice is ragged. “He said the cum stays on my face.” She sobs again, quietly, and lowers her head. “I don’t know how long, but I…”
I don’t particularly want Victor’s cum on her face while I take care of her. Victor can do what he wants when they’re together, but I don’t want the remnants of another man’s pleasure on her while I have her. It’sourtime. Victor can play his mind games all he wants, but it’s not going to cut into mine.
“Then we’ll take care of it when we get to my room. It’ll be our little secret.”
She looks distrustfully up at me, and I can’t help but wonder just what Victor did to her. I extend my hand to her and keep smiling. “Come on. Victor wants to work, so let’s get out of his hair.”
It takes a few seconds before she tentatively takes my hand, and I help her up, pulling her close. She immediately buries her face in my shoulder, and while that’s cute, I can’t help but think a lot of that cum is now smearing on my shirt. Thanks, Victor.
I don’t say anything to her, though. I have a feeling she’s too fragile to deal with any sort of criticism right now, even if it’s over something that’s not her fault. I lead her toward the door, ready to be out of Victor’s domain and into my own. I’m suddenly excited. She’s never been in my room before, and I’ll get to clean her up with all ofmysoap. I’ll be the one who gets to mark her this time, and I don’t even have to humiliate her in the meantime.
Though she probably does need another shave…
But not today. Not while she’s this vulnerable.
I lead her to my room, opening the door and flicking on the light. It’s a little bit of a mess, with clothes strewn everywhere, but I ignore it. I’ve got the bed on one side, and a small couch on the other, with a huge TV and my computer desk.
Lucia freezes when we enter the room, looking around nervously. “This is… your room?”
“Yeah. Sorry it’s not as tidy as Victor’s.” I point toward the bathroom door. “Come on. I definitely want to clean you up.”