Page 79 of Breaking Lucia
She nods quickly, and the gratitude on her face makes my chest puff up in pride. Victor may have gotten joy out of breaking her down, but I get to build her up again, and she seems like she’ll be all cuddly and sweet.
We go into the bathroom, and I have her sit down on the edge of the bathtub while I wet a cloth. I return to her, wiping her face carefully clean, until there’s nothing but bare skin with no hints of Victor left on her.
“You want a t-shirt?” I ask her. I already know she’s going to say yes. While the other guys may have been disappointed to have her covered up, I love the fact that she’s going to be wearing my clothes.
She nods. “Please.”
I rinse out the cloth and hang it up to dry, then extend my hand to her again. “Just give me a second to change my shirt, then I’ll get one for you.”
She hesitates less this time, grabbing my hand almost immediately, and I lead her back to the bedroom. I have to kick a few clothes aside to get to the closet, and although Lucia says nothing, I’m a bit embarrassed by it. I’ll have to clean up before I have her here again.
I change my own shirt quickly, tossing the cum-stained one in the direction of the laundry basket—and missing, of course. Then I pick a large band tee for Lucia. It’s a bit loose on me, so it’s even larger on her, but the end result is perfect. The shirt reachesalmostall the way down her ass, giving just a tantalizing hint. If she sits just right, she might be able to hide her pussy… but I’m not going to let her.
“You want to watch some TV?” I ask, gesturing to the couch.
Lucia blinks at me, like I’ve just spoken in some foreign language. “What?”
“TV,” I repeat. “You know, the box with the moving pictures.” I grin at her to let her know I’m teasing her, and I pull her in to kiss her firmly on the lips. “We can just relax for a little while. I know you’ve been through a lot the past few days.”
She shudders and stays close to me. She chooses not to respond to that verbally, though she kisses me again. I keep my fingers entangled with hers as I head for the couch, only letting go when I reach it. I flop down then grab her, pulling her into my lap. She lets out a little squeak but settles down, and I wrap my arms loosely around her.
“What do you feel like watching, kitten?” I ask. “I’ve got access to just about every show or movie you can think of.”
Lucia tenses up again. “I don’t know. What doyouwant to watch?”
It feels like a trick question, but then, from her reaction, I get the feeling that’s how it felt to her too. I shrug. “I’ll watch anything. Just give me a direction and we’ll go from there.” I’m not really ready to admit to her just what I watch when I’m alone in my room. Angel gives me enough shit about it, and Victor has just given me that unreadable look that lets me know he’s thinking something he just doesn’t feel like saying.
Lucia ducks her head and whispers, “I don’t know.”
Part of me is annoyed that she’s being difficult, but given everything she’s been through, I know I need to be patient. I stroke her shoulders to reassure her. “Hey, it’s fine. Do you like serious or light shows?”
“Light,” she says with a conviction that surprises me, given her unwillingness to name something in particular.
“Good,” I say, encouraging her. “Do you like romance, or comedy, or…?”
“I like shows that are funny,” she says after a pause.
It’s like pulling teeth, but I kiss her neck instead of pushing her too hard. I turn on the TV and flip through my streaming channels until I make a decision, then put on a sitcom I’ve already seen at least three times. But it always makes me laugh, no matter how many times I watch it.
“Do you know this one?” I ask, setting the remote aside.
She shifts, sliding off my lap and settling closer to me, resting her cheek against my shoulder again as she relaxes against me. “I’ve seen maybe the first season, but it’s been a long time,” she replies.
“You’ll like it,” I assure her.
During the first few episodes, I only get a giggle or two from her, but by the time we’re a quarter of the way through the first season, she’s laughing as hard as I am. It’s a nice sound to hear, one I haven’t heard nearly often enough, though she gets quieter again after a while.
Midway through one episode, I suddenly hear a loud gurgling sound. I look at Lucia, and she blushes hard.
“Are you hungry?” I look at the clock, and notice we’ve been sitting here for a few hours. I don’t think Victor fed her this morning, and I know we didn’t have dinner with her last night… damn, when was the last time she ate at all? Before we stuck her in the chest?
She hesitates, then nods. “Yeah. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize for being hungry,” I say. I kiss her again. “Listen, I’ll go find food for us, then maybe you can rest for a bit.” I noticed she’s missed a few jokes now, and I wonder just how tired she has to be. We’ve been keeping her pretty exhausted, too.
Which leads my mind in other directions, directions that would only tire her out more.
Suddenly my cock is painfully erect, because if she’s already tired, it won’t be too hard to push just a little and make her actually fall asleep.I’mnot tired at all. I had a good night’s rest and I’d gone back to sleep after leaving Victor’s room that morning. Very awake, in a very good mood, and very horny, I come up with an idea.