Page 80 of Breaking Lucia
Poor Lucia.
I should feel bad for her, but shedidagree to do what we wanted, and sheisso very obviously focused on making us happy…
I get up, careful not to jostle her too much, but she grabs my wrist.
“Wait—” Lucia stops herself. “I mean… Please don’t go.”
My cock throbs again hearing her begging for me. Part of me wants to give in and stay, but the idea I’ve formulated is too good to pass up on. “I’ll just grab some quick snacks.” I ruffle her hair a bit. “I’ll be back soon. Don’t worry.”
She looks on the verge of tears as I remove her fingers from around my wrist, and I quickly give her another kiss to reassure her. “Fifteen minutes, tops.”
I leave before I find more reasons to linger. I jog to the kitchen, ignoring the looks from the security guys. They’d be rushing too, if they had beautiful Lucia in their room, ready and waiting for them.
I rustle through the refrigerator, finding what I’m looking for. Some carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and some cherry tomatoes… and a bottle of ranch dressing. I pour some of it into a small container, squinting at it as I try to think of how much she’ll need to consume. She has to be hungry enough to where I can get her to go through the whole thing.
On my way back with the tray, I make a stop in the security office, where I punch in a key code for my personal safe. I go through the various bottles until I find the strongest sleeping pill I have.
I jam it into a pill cutter, cutting it several times until it’s little more than dust, and I empty it into the container. A few swirls with the spoon, and I make sure it’s dissolved. I can’t stop grinning as I head back to my bedroom.
Lucia’s still curled up on the couch, but she’s not smiling at the TV anymore. Relief floods her expression as she sees me, and I almost feel guilty for what I’m about to do.
Not enough to change my mind.
I set the tray down on the coffee table, then sit down. Lucia immediately slides up against me. God, that is so cute. I kiss the top of her head.
“Sorry that took so long.” I grab a broccoli floret and dip it liberally into the dressing, then bring it up to her lips. “Here you go, kitten. Eat up.”
I have the sudden worry that maybe she doesn’t like vegetables, or worse, that she doesn’t even like ranch dressing, but she eats it from between my fingers. She’s delicate about it, but she even goes as far as to lick my fingers clean.
My dick is fuckingthrobbing.
I have to take a deep breath to steady myself, then I take a tomato, dip it into the dressing, and let her pluck it from my fingers. Her little tongue licking the pads of my fingers might as well have been licking my cock from how much it’s affecting me.
“How is it?” I ask her, voice ragged. “Good?”
She nods quickly. “Yes. Thank you.”
After a few more bites, I move the tray next to me on the couch and direct Lucia to sit even closer. Now I can feed her more easily, and Lucia just takes everything from my hand without a single protest. Either she’s too hungry or still too cowed by whatever Victor did to her. I don’t care either way.
I’ve fed her about half the tray when I notice her starting to blink more rapidly.
“You still hungry?” I ask, testing.
It takes her a few seconds, but she nods slowly. “Y… yeah.” She tries to stifle her yawn with the back of her hand. “‘Scuse me,” she mumbles.
I dip my finger into the dressing and press it against her lips. They part, and just as she had every other time when confronted with it, she licks my finger clean. It’s slower this time, and I can see it as her eyelids begin to droop. I follow it up with a carrot, but I have to encourage her to keep eating this time.
I don’t want to choke her with the food, so I start hand-feeding her the dressing instead, not even bothering with the vegetables. She’s too out of it—or something—to say anything about it, but after a while, it just turns to her lightly suckling my finger.
“Kitten?” I whisper.
She doesn’t reply.
I slowly pull my hand back, stroking her hair. “Lucia,” I try again, my voice still soft.