Page 107 of Claiming Vanessa
One of our men is standing next to him, while the other is guarding the door. I nod in approval as I walk past him and go to take my spot next to Giulio on the couch.
“I picked out the prettiest girls for you,” I tell Lauro. “Please, have a seat. They should all be arriving shortly.”
Lauro seems reluctant to sit, but he finds a chair and sits on the edge of it like he’s afraid he’ll catch something. He’s obviously uncomfortable here, and I wonder if Giulio should’ve taken him to Ruby’s or one of the other clubs.
He probably wants Lauro uncomfortable and on edge, but I can’t even guess at Giulio’s motivations and plans half the time.
The door opens, and five girls step in. One of the dancers from the floor enters first, followed by Cat, the other, and Stef.
And right behind them, dressed in ill-fitting slutty clothes, is Vanessa.
My stomach drops when I see her. I should have insisted on returning her to her room. I should have locked her up. I should have…
Giulio wraps his arm around my shoulder and leans in closer. “What the fuck, Damien?” he whispers. The girls begin to disperse around the room, going to hover near Lauro’s party.
“I didn’t tell her to come,” I whisper back. “I specifically told her not to.”
I can feel Giulio’s hand on my shoulder tighten threateningly, but that’s all he does before scooting away and clapping his hands to draw attention.
“All right! Please, everybody enjoy yourselves. Any music requests? Nessa, you can DJ for tonight. You can handle that, right?” Giulio’s smile is cold enough to freeze the blood in my veins.
Vanessa flinches under his stare, but she locks eyes with him. If it wasn’t for the fear in her expression, it would be almost like she’sdaringhim to try to send her away. We all know he can’t, not without losing face. She has seriously fucked up, though, and Giulio is going to be pissed.
“Yes, boss,” Vanessa says, her voice trembling just a little bit as she finally looks away from their staring contest. She can’t have liked what she saw in his expression, and I don’t blame her. I’m sure my gaze isn’t friendly either when I look at her.
One of Lauro’s guards does something that has Cat squeaking. “You said full service, right, Giulio?”
Giulio grins in his direction. “That’s right. Enjoy yourselves. There are no limits at all tonight.”
I catch Vanessa’s angry expression, although it quickly gives way to fear.
This was my idea, but I’m already regretting everything. I’m going to have to manage both Giulio and Vanessa, and hope none of this blows up in our faces.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Damien hisses into my ear.
I smile widely at him. “I’ve never done anything stupid in my life.”
Of course he doesn’t believe me, and his exasperated sigh is amusing, but it’s not enough to offset my bubbling rage bubbling.
Vanessa isn’t supposed to be here. I’m only relieved that Lauro doesn’t seem to have recognized her. I don’t trust him, especially not after this whole fiasco with the lost product.
Fuck, he isn’t allowed to realize she has value tome, either.
“Put on something good that the girls can dance to,” I order. Vanessa makes her way to the old cd player in the corner. It’s actually one of the music stations we had at Ruby’s before we’d upgraded to something more modern, but Ntimacy doesn’t need anything high end.
“She’s cute,” Lauro notes as Vanessa walks by him.
I can see her flinch, but she continues on her path, going to the stereo and going through the CDs.
“Nilo, which one do you want?” Lauro asks, gesturing around the room. “You can have first pick.”
Nilo looks like a deer in headlights at the question, but he fumbles before saying, “Um. Her.” He points at Vanessa, and it’s enough to make me see red.
“Nah, she wouldn’t give you a good time. Hasn’t been trained properly yet. The only reason she’s here is because she apparently thought it would get her into my good graces.” I get up and walk over to Vanessa, grabbing her bare waist. She’s wearing an outfit very similar to the one I’d put her in, with the schoolgirl aesthetic. I wish she looked a bit worse in it than she does.