Page 108 of Claiming Vanessa
Vanessa goes rigid, and I know she realizes how much trouble she’s in. The look in her eyes when I’d met her gaze had shown her fear, but she finds a CD and slides it into the player with shaking hands. The sound of pop music that was probably popular in the 90s fills the room. Maybe it’s time to update the VIP room, at least, but that’s the last thing on my mind right now.
Lauro laughs. “Then she’d be perfect for Nilo. He has no idea what he’s doing either, do you, son?”
Nilo flushes bright red. “I can teach her what I like.”
Does he even know what he likes? I have the urge to cut him down to size—to really dig at his insecurities, expose him in front of his father.
But despite what Damien thinks, I know how to behave when it’s necessary.
I slap Vanessa’s ass. “Sure. Vanessa’s very sloppy though. Don’t think you’ll have a great time. And… Be careful of her teeth. She hasn’t learned to control them yet.”
I don’t know what Vanessa expected when she decided to barge into the room after Stef and the others, but it’s clear from the way she looks at me that she didn’t expect this outcome.
I smile nastily at her. Nilo won’t hurt her, at least, but there are other ways to punish her.
She swallows hard, then slowly crosses the room to Nilo, pulling her short skirt down to try to cover her half-exposed ass.
Of course, Vanessa hasn’t gotten any better at dancing since the last time. She’s unbalanced and awkward in front of Nilo. I catch her glancing toward the other girls a few times, who move with a practiced ease Vanessa doesn’t share. If we were out on the main floor, I would have already pulled her away. She’s touching Nilo too much, giving away far too much for free. Her lack of skill isn’t so funny anymore.
Damien’s eyes are glued to Vanessa, his lips pressed tight in displeasure. If he’s this upset, maybe he should have done a fucking better job of keeping Vanessa out of all this.
“Cat, can you see to Mr. Romano? He deserves the best,” I say. She nods quickly and goes to settle herself on Lauro’s lap, doing a fine job of acting like she actually likes him. You’d never guess she’s a lesbian.
Nilo glances at Cat and his father, clumsily following suit and pulling Vanessa down into his lap. He guides her legs around him, forcing her to straddle his waist. “Here, put your hands on my shoulders,” he directs her. He obviously has no idea how to treat a dancer, and this shit would get him kicked out of any respectable place.
But Ntimacy isn’t respectable, and I’d told them there were no limits at all.
“You not having anybody, Giulio?” one of Lauro’s men asks me. He’s got Stef grinding against him. Her eyes are already red from unshed tears, probably because the guy has his hand between her legs, stroking while she dances.
Now there’s an idea.
“Nah, I’ve had them all before, y’know? Tonight is about you guys.” I pick up the basket with condoms and lubes and go sit down next to the guy. “You’re Johnny, right?”
Johnny nods. “Yeah. Man, how do you even remember?”
I pat his shoulder. “I’m good with names.” Then I hold the basket closer to him. “You look like you’re really enjoying Stef, there. And I’m telling you, you can enjoy her more.”
Stef gives me a deer-in-headlights look, and I smirk back at her.
“In fact, Stef’s kind of a slut for it. Been a while since you enjoyed a gangbang though, hasn’t it, sweetheart? Why don’t we give you what you’ve been craving?”
Vanessa’s head snaps around, the attention she’d been trying to give Nilo coming to an abrupt halt. She stares at me, giving a frantic shake of her head. She at least knows better than to say anything, and I stare back at her.
This is her fault, and by the end of the night, she’ll regret pulling this little stunt.
“Wh-what?” Stef shakes her head. “No, I—”
“Think very, very carefully about what you’re about to say,” I say in a low voice. “Because you’re already on thin ice with me.”
Johnny glances between us, but apparently isn’t bothered enough to stop groping Stef.
Nilo grabs Vanessa’s chin, forcing her to look back at him. She tries to shake her head again, but his grip on her is tight enough to get her to do what he wants.
For such an inexperienced little shit, he certainly seems to know what that is.
Stef whimpers, but she spreads her legs a little wider for Johnny. She’s already starting to cry, but men like Johnny aren’t going to give a fuck. Hell, he’ll probably like it, just like Slayer does. If he doesn’t… There are other men here who wouldn’t care.