Page 69 of Lumi
“Who are you?”
“My name’s Quilo, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He holds out his hand for her. She takes it and watches him expectantly. He begins to shake it but she tuts and shakes her head at him.
“Once upon a time a gentleman would kiss the back of your hand.”
“I didn’t like to be too presumptuous, ma’am.”
“Please, I’m eighty-three. I think I deserve a little thrill.”
Quilo immediately obliges, kissing the back of her hand, and takes-no-prisoners Doris blushes! She removes her hand, sighs wistfully and smacks Burt with her handbag,
“That’s how a proper gentleman behaves! He’s got game,” she snaps at him. Burt bows his head meekly while Quilo looks absolutely horrified and I giggle. I don’t even know where Doris learnt about game—and I’m not sure I want to.
I decide I better call the class to a start, otherwise poor old Burt is in for a world of pain and nagging.
“Okay, so we’re going to start with a simple Mountain pose, and after a few deep breaths, on three, we’ll take the stretch over into a gentle side bend with your right hand first.”
I talk them through the moves, counting the holds and leading the breathing exercises. When we hold and release a pose, breath isn’t the only thing that’s released. I manage to keep a straight face but Quilo looks horrified. I mean, there’s a reason why Ade calls it the stretch and fart class. Honestly, gas masks should be included as standard.
“Help me, boy,” Doris demands when we move into a knee hug that involves lifting the foot off the floor a little and wrapping both arms around the knee to hold it up slightly above hip height for a couple of counts.
“Absolutely! What can I do?” He races round to the front of the chair and falls to his knees at her feet. Doris looks delighted, the others are green with envy.
“Pass me my damn knee of course!”
He helps her lift her leg which is an absolute joke because Doris is the most supple eighty-three-year-old I’ve ever met. She could probably give me a run for my money, but she’s clearly loving having a gorgeous young man at her beck and call, so who am I to spoil it?
As soon as he’s done helping Doris, all of a sudden all the women bar Mavis need help, and they start calling out for Quilo to aid them. Burt mutters and grumbles under his breath the entire time so I take pity on him and flirt a little until his face brightens.
As the class moves on, the ladies compete more and more for Quilo’s attention, becoming more and more outrageous in their flirting. He yelps at one point and jumps, rubbing his ass.
“Someone pinched me!” he cries.
“Buns of steel,” Edna declares with a saucy wink.
“I’d love to take a bite out of his buns,” Edith cackles, gnashing her dentures at him.
Burt looks at me expectantly.
“Don’t even think about it, old man!” I warn.
“Do you have a nipple piercing?” Dot asks suddenly, staring intently at his chest.
“Yes ma’am.” Quilo blushes.
“Do you have any other piercings? My Kenneth—god rest his soul—liked his bling you know. If you don’t have any others, you should consider it. It’s wonderful for the lady’s pleasure and Kenneth used to quite like the sensation of the metal rubbing on my—”
“Oh, wow, is that the time already?” I say loudly, coming to Quilo’s rescue. He looks about to expire, and the rest of the ladies are hanging on Dot’s every word. Burt looks miserable and Quilo looks like a cornered animal.
I quickly finish the class with some cool down exercises and then cross to open the windows to air the room while they gather their things. One by one the women reluctantly leave, but not before they all try to flirt and entice Quilo into calling on them for a visit with promises of baked treats and freshly squeezed lemonade. I’m pretty sure I see Doris slip her number into his pocket.
They leave but Burt lingers.
“Miss Lumi, may I have a word please dear?”
“Of course, Burt. What’s up?” His eyes cut to Quilo who’s packing away the chairs. He hesitates. “Don’t worry about him, Burt.”
“Well, it’s he going to be here often? Because I quite like our little class. I think we have a nice group and I feel comfortable now we’ve all got to know one another a little. I feel like making the class any larger will upset the balance.”