Page 70 of Lumi
“Don’t worry Burt. Quilo isn’t gate crashing or moving in on your turf.”
“He’s not?”
“No. He’s not.”
“Are you sure? How do you know?”
“Well, for one thing, he was just here to help me out today as a favor,” I say, placatingly. Burt isn’t convinced. “And for another, he’s dating me.”
“Oh...oh, congratulations. Is it serious?”
“Very,” Quilo answers, coming over to wrap an arm around my waist. “And I wouldn’t dream of intruding on this little harem you’ve got going on my man.”
“Ah, that’s excellent news. I mean...I’m very happy for you both.” Burt beams at him.
“If you want some friendly advice, man to man, I strongly recommend you ask Mavis out. She couldn’t take her eyes off you, even with me in the room. Gotta appreciate loyalty like that, dude.” Quilo winks.
“Mavis?” Burt sounds astonished.
“Yes, Burt! She’s crazy about you! She’s been pining after you for weeks. Are you ever going to ask her out?”
“I had no idea. The old eyesight isn’t what it was. But yes, why thank you for the head’s up. I will ask her out. Maybe we could go skating?”
Quilo coughs.
“Maybe you could take her to the movies.”
“Ah that might be safer. Don’t want to lose her to a hot, young whippersnapper who can skate circles around me, now, do I?”
“Exactly.” Quilo winks and escorts Burt out while I finish tidying the studio.
He comes back and wraps his arms around me, pressing his front to my back and dancing with me slowly to the music. I spin so that I’m facing him and allow him to embrace me.
“I’m sorry I’ve not been in touch,” I say.
“Don't be. You can have all the time in the world.”
“I don’t need time. I miss you.”
“I’ve missed you too. But I have a confession to tell you.”
“Oh?” I ask nervously.
“I do have more piercings.”
“You do?” I blink, not expecting him to say that.
“Yeah, and I can’t wait for you to see them. Apparently they’re wonderful for the lady’s pleasure—”
To shut him up I kiss him, locking my arms around his neck. He immediately grabs my ass and lifts me so that I have to wrap my legs around his waist for stability. He kneads my ass while we kiss, his tongue demanding access to my mouth and devouring me in a way which promises to steal my ability to even think straight.
He walks us over to the corner where the yoga swings are set up and puts me down next to one. Slowly, with clear intent he peels off his shirt to reveal the riot of colorful tattoos covering every inch of his skin. My breath catches at the canvas of artwork running across his skin, but his body is a work of art itself too. My fingers unwittingly reach out to trace the lines of his ink, and as they dance along his lower abdomen, his muscles ripple with his sharp intake of breath. His warm amber gaze darkens to a honey mead color, and I feel his desire stirring against me where our bodies are pressed so closely together.
He undoes his belt and pulls it free of the loops of his jeans. It lands on the floor with a heavy thunk that sets my pulse racing. I want to do this. I want Quilo. I’m not going to run this time. And thanks to my not so little care package from The Magical Rooster, I also know exactly what I like. Or at least a little of what I like.
I’m not scared anymore.
Until he drops his jeans.