Page 95 of Hunting Grounds
Fuck. That dress.
I groan internally and push past The Gods to call the lift.
I need to get out of here before…well, before I kill the wrong person.
Stepping into the elevator, I eyeball Kaiden to bring up the rear, and luckily he ushers Odi inside. When the doors close, she shudders but before I can ask her why, Kaiden has her in his arms.
“What’s wrong, babygirl?”
Such a stupid nickname. Odi’s neither a baby nor a girl.
“Those guys. They gave me the creeps.”
Kaiden laughs. “Most chicks usually fall at their feet.”
“Not me.” Another stab of satisfaction.
“Here, these belong to you,” Kaiden says, offering Odi her purse and a knife.
“Maybe if you’re returning things, you could give her back the hoodie and she can cover up,” I snarl. Both Odi and Kaiden share a look.
“Sorry, I must have dropped it somewhere,” she replies with a sweet smile that doesn’t suit her at all. “Besides, it’s not mine so if we’re returning things to their rightful owners, it’s Kaiden that should be wearing it, not me.”
“I’m sure he could make an exception, just this once.”
“Aww, what’s the matter, don’t you like my dress?”
“The dress is fine. It’s what’s under it that I have a problem with,” I snap. “The only person getting to see that much of your flesh should be me.”
“Because you own me?” she taunts sarcastically.
I’m a split second away from snapping and showing her exactly how true that is, but I force the feeling down with a growl.
Frustrated and dangerously close to breaking my resolve, I hit the button on the lift and it immediately begins to descend.
“Seriously? Down again? How far down into the bowels of hell does this wretched place reach?” Odi huffs.
“The Arcelia is…unique. It has an impressive underground history and once it’s back on its feet, it’ll make history,” I explain to Odi, shaking myself from visions of slamming her against the wall and taking her in front of my best friend to show them both who she really belongs to.
We may be silent partners to old Mrs Grande’s sole heir, but I fully support her granddaughter’s plans for the hotel, and I plan to play an active role in its success. A hotel where anything can happen…people will pay a lot of money for that.
Starting with the playroom in the real basement.
The doors woosh open and Kaiden steps out, Odi close on his heels like she can’t bear to be alone with me for even a split second. When she takes in the sight before her, she gasps and staggers back, right into my arms. I grab her waist to steady her when she wobbles and I use the opportunity to spin her round to face me.
She blanches a little but her gaze keeps flickering to my lips. Or more specifically the blood around my lips.
“Are you hurt?” she whispers.
I grin and shake my head. “Sorry to disappoint, princess.”
Her eyes flash with something akin to hurt, which surprises me, and I contemplate kissing her again. Unfortunately, our guest decides to make his presence known before I can deduce if she wants me to kiss her, and she’s turning away.
I glare daggers at Rob.
He’s been in our custody since our chief of security at Trinity’s saw him spiking someone’s drink through the eye in the sky. He would have been let off with a warning – that shit doesn’t happen in my establishments – if it weren’t for the report which came later from my associate that it was Odile’s drink that was spiked.
Two broken legs weren't going to cut it once security confirmed my associate’s hunch was right. Now Rob must die, and The Doe must watch.