Page 96 of Hunting Grounds
“What’s going on?” Odi asks in a low voice. She sounds freakishly calm, which isn’t at all what I was expecting.
“Do you recognise this guy, babygirl?” Kaiden asks. She nods.
“Yeah, he’s my flatmate. Rob.”
“I hope you’re using that term ‘mate’ loosely.”
She nods again but it’s a jerky movement, almost like her head moved against her will.
“If he’s recognisable, you didn’t do a good enough job,” I snap calmly at Zie. There’s no heat to my words but the threat is there all the same.
He shrugs and punches Rob again, the force of the blow snapping his head to the side and causing something to pop. Now Odi cringes.
“Is that how you hurt your hands?” she asks quietly, staring at Zie.
He shrugs. “He hurt you.”
“He didn’t,” she replies with a shake of her head.
“He tried to.”
“But he didn’t succeed.”
Is she about to start pleading for his life?
“He wanted to. And he wouldn’t stop with you. You wouldn’t even have been the first.”
Her face darkens at that little caveat of knowledge. “What?”
“Meet Mr. Robert Moore.” I tell her calmly. “Twenty-four years old, recently transferred from Herts. This time around he’s a drama major. Before that he attended Bath, Oxford, Warwick, Cambridge and a whole other host of universities, under several different names. The thing they all have in common though, is that his rapist ass was asked to leave, and after sizable donations no charges were ever pressed.”
“He’s the scum of the Earth,” Zie adds, which is saying something considering who we are, who our fathers are, and what we do.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some vigilante who suddenly gives a shit about womankind. I’ll leave the soppy shit to the other two. But this is different. He went after Odile and that’s never okay.
His death will send a message to the masses.
It just can’t be quick because I need Odile to be scared of me. Of what I can do.
“What is this place?” Odile surprises me.
She’s stepped further into the room and is gazing around with interest. Curiosity, rather than horror or repulsion, lines her features. Kaiden is watching her like a puffed up proud papa bear. He likes that she’s a little bit dark and twisted. Growing up, he always fed that part of her. Nurtured it. He was convinced she could make it in our world, but I wasn’t.
I’m still not convinced now, but it’s not like we have any choice. Odi is here to stay, and we need to make her fit as best we can. Starting with her fast-tracked education in all things Holy Trinity.
“I assume everything is set up?” I ask with a scathing glance around the room.
“Yes. Arcelia saw to it herself.” Odi’s spine stiffens at Zie’s response. “She was more than happy to accommodate us.”
“Good. And the body?”
“She has a client looking for someone that matches his description. Coincidence, eh?”
“I’m not surprised. Arcelia is an absolute goddess at what she does.”
“You sound like you admire her,” Odi says quietly, bitterly, while examining a closed Balisong with forced nonchalance. I’m just about to warn her to watch her fingers when she flips the blade open in a zen rollover and I’m stunned.