Page 49 of Jag
“I need you and your brothers to go in off the books and get my daughter back. And if you can capture the father, the leader of this cell.”
“General, that is no time to prepare.”
“I’m sorry son, if I could give you more time I would. The marines are going to send in their own team, and you know what that means.”
“Yeah, your daughter will become collateral damage.”
“Exactly. You will have three weeks to get in, get set up, find the location of my daughter, get her and possibly the head of the organization and get back out.”
“That’s a tight ass schedule, General.”
“And you’d need to leave all identifiable belongings at home. If you are caught, you’d be completely on your own. They cannot be able to trace you back to the US military.”
I get Joseph’s attention so he can get the brothers and come to where I am talking.
“I need to know if you will go get my daughter.”
I look to my brothers and we all know the answer is yes. We get some particulars from the General and he sends an encrypted file to my phone. Joseph goes to talk to the foreman to make sure things run smoothly while we are gone. I call Savvy but this is her long day at work and she always turn her phone off when she’s teaching. I can’t leave her a voicemail because her phone is not encrypted.
I should’ve let Jabarri install the app on her phone, but I didn’t think I’d ever need to use it. Her voicemail comes on and I just tell her I am thinking about her and I love her. We go home grab our equipment, weapons, and our fatigues. I called Savvy again hoping that she would answer but no luck. I turn my phone off, take off all identifiable items and leave it in a locked box. We head to the pickup spot, climb in the military plan and head off to the Philippines. I pray we all make it back, and I get back to Savvy.
I look at my phone between classes and notice Joshua has called me several times. All I have is one voicemail from him where he just says he loves me. That worries me a little but before I can analyze it, students begin to walk-in. Since we have gotten back, Jag has tried to keep our dates frequent but once classes started for me and his project ramped up we have not had the ability like we used to. I started to train with Jag and his brothers.
I wish I would've gotten a picture of Jag’s face when he took me to the gun range and begin to explain to me about guns, he handed me a Glock 9, I politely put the safety on, set it down, reached in my bag and pulled out Brianna and shot the target, center mass. Then I pulled out my back up from my ankle holster and shot the target, all head shots.
“So, you just let me stand there and talk and show you all this crap and you know how to shoot?”
“Yes,” I said and laughed at him.
But he quickly showed me I am a novice. Atlas came in and showed me how to really shoot. He also showed me some guns I was intimidated to hold let alone shoot. From that day whenever I came to train, I trained with guns as well.
He has taken me skydiving! I cried the whole time I was up there. His brothers came with us, they are all crazy! They’re flipping out the plane and falling out of the plane backwards and shit. Jag and I did a tandem jump.
“Do you trust me Savannah?”
“You know I do, or I wouldn’t have gotten in the plane with you to start with.”
“You know I love you and I would never let anything happen to you. Enjoy the jump baby and let me worry about the danger. Ok?”
And that’s how my black ass ended up jumping out a damn plane doing white people shit. It was amazing even though I was scared shitless. When we finally landed on solid ground, I was thankful and ready to go again. He unhooked me and turned me around and kissed me senseless to his brother's cat calling us. He stuck up his middle finger at them as we walked away. But I think my favorite was when he took me horseback riding and had a picnic lunch waiting for us. We laid on the blanket and fed each other and kissed and a little bit more but he didn’t let it get too out of control. We haven’t been as sexual as we were that night in the hotel, Jag makes sure of it.
But as all this is going through my head, I am wondering about that message he left. As soon as class is over, I call his cell and it goes straight to voicemail. I know he’s been busy on his project, so I pack my stuff up and head home. I eat shower and get in the bed and still no call or text. I called him again and again with no response. I’m worried and I fall into a restless sleep.
Three weeks, it’s been three weeks since I have seen or heard from Jag. I went by the job site and house and did not find him or his brothers and of course no one would tell me anything. I’m equal parts hurt and pissed off. I hang the phone up after calling him for the millionth time. I look up when I hear a knock on my door.
“Are you ok, Savannah,” Nate asks me.
He’s a fellow English professor who has made his interest in me known. I have told him I am in a relationship, but he still asks. He is a nice-looking man but truthfully there’s no attraction for me.
“I’m fine, is there something I can help you with?”