Page 50 of Jag
“No, I was just walking by and you looked sad so I was just checking on you.”
“Thanks Nate, I’m fine.”
“Are you getting ready to leave?” I stop myself from rolling my eyes. “Yes.”
“Will you have dinner with me tonight, Savvy?”
I open my mouth to say no... again and then I think about the past three weeks going home alone, calling Jag for the call to go straight to voicemail crying myself to sleep, doubting myself, and just being depressed. If I wasn’t sure how I felt about Jag but these three weeks have shown me I love Joshua more than any other man I have ever been with. But apparently, it’s not the same for him. I guess he finally got tired of me. So instead of saying no again I actually say yes. He looks as shocked as I feel. He offers to pick me up and I tell him I’ll meet him at the restaurant. We set a place and time and I grab my stuff to walk out.
I go home, take a shower, and get dressed. As I pull up to the house, I see Peter’s car in the driveway. He and I get out of our cars and head towards the house.
“Hi Peter, what are you doing here?” I ask him.
“I came to see if you wanted to have dinner with me.”
Peter has been wonderful these past three weeks. He’s come over every weekend and at least three times during the week to try to keep my mind off of Jag ghosting me.
“I would love to Peter, but I have a date,” I tell him.
“Oh, Joshua finally resurfaced after three weeks missing?” He asks.
“No,” I say. “I am going to dinner with a fellow English Professor.”
“I beg your pardon!” Peter says.
“You heard me Peter, I am going to dinner with Nate tonight.”
“Nate, Nate, Nate, not the one whose dusty ass has been trying to get in your panties since you started.”
“Wow Peter you have such a way with words,” I tell him.
“You don’t want Nate’s dried up ass Savannah,” Peter says.
“Yeah, I know but it beats sitting at home hoping Joshua calls or responds to any one of my thousands of text messages.”
“Savannah maybe there’s a justifiable reason he’s been gone.”
“Like what Peter? It’s been three whole weeks and even before that the dates were becoming fewer and fewer. It’s obvious he’s ghosted me. I can’t wallow forever. I have to eventually move on.”
“I don’t know little one, but I do understand what you mean. So where are you going?”
I tell him and he smirks, “That’s where he chose for a first date?”
“Peter hush” I tell him, Joshua’s got you spoiled too.
“Not all men are on Joshua’s level.” I say to him.
“Yeah, I guess you're right,” he says.
We get to the main floor and she remembers she has left her cell in her desk, we hug, and I head to my car and she goes back upstairs.
I go take a shower, get dressed. I wanted an early date, so he doesn’t get any ideas. I dress in a simple black maxi dress with hidden splits on both sides of the dress, with my rhinestone sandals and simple silver accessories. I grab my purse with Brianna and head out. My stomach feels like I had rocks for lunch instead of a salad. Damn I miss Jag.
"Savvy, are you sure you wanna do this?” Peter asks me again.
“Yes Peter,” I answer, sounding way more sure than I actually am.
“Am I going to see you tomorrow?”