Page 34 of Atlas
“ Are you a quitter True? You can’t handle me baby? Aww, the baby needs a soft lover? Gentle? You want me to take it easy on you?” I taunt her. She’s shaking her head no and like I knew she would she gets back in position. I slide the cover off the bed as I stand and drag True by her ankles to the edge of the bed.
“Back in position baby.” She stretches out like before.“Cross your ankles,” I tell her, and I stand with a leg on either side of her legs. I push down on her back until I get the arch I am looking for and I slide back inside the warmest water ride I have ever been on. With her legs crossed it opens her up even more and I take advantage of that. I know I am not going to last long and I don’t want to. I place a foot up on the mattress and fuck her like it is the only thing I ever want to do. She is literally dripping off my balls and I gather some of her liquid heat and coat my thumb. Slowly I begin to work it in her ass until I am knuckle deep. Seeing her stretched, arched and my thumb fucking her ass I know I’m gonna blow. Finding her clit I rub just like I know she likes it until she can’t hold her position and I know we are gonna bust together, and we do. Her pussy drains my balls so hard and fast I become lightheaded. Sweat is dripping from my forehead to her back as I stand there trying to catch my breath. The cum snatcher three thousand pussy she has is gonna be the death of me and any man, or woman for that matter, who dares come near it. Our breathing is all that can be heard in the room as we attempt to catch our breath.
It damn near sounds like a cannon was shot when the knocks on the door startles us.
“What,” I yell.
“Jaasiel made brunch, it’s family time jackass hurry up!” Asher hollers through the door.
“Fuck off,” I yell back as I hear his retreating footsteps.
“I guess laying in bed all day is out of the question,” I tell True and finally pull out of her.
We make it to the bathroom on noodle legs. There were no issues with us trying to control ourselves seeing we are both drained. Running through showering and throwing on some clothes. True pulls her hair in a high bun and we head down to the chaos that is my family.
Everyone is at the booth enjoying the food, talking, and having a good time. No one looks up when True and I enter the room. Before long, True and I have our own plates and have joined in the conversation.
“ We are so far ahead in the project, why don’t we give the crew next week off as thanks? They’ve been working their asses off, I think they deserve it,” Aryan suggests.
“We can do that,” Jag says “It’ll be nice to have some time off and I know the guys won’t mind. We’ll tell them Monday morning”
We finish breakfast and we all seem to have plans or are making plans. I think this next week off is needed not just for the crew but for us as well. We have decided not to take on any new projects for a little while once this next phase is done. Maybe we need to take a step back from the business altogether, we have good people who can run the business well. I think with us not having anyone steady in our lives we enjoyed the work but as I look around the booth I can tell that is changing. Joseph is furiously typing away on his phone and damn near knocks the table over trying to get out of the door. I look over to Josh who is watching Joseph intently and I know he’s gonna demand answers from him soon. Asher is out the door almost as fast as Joseph. Turning to True to see what she wants to do today I am interrupted by a phone call, I check the caller ID and it’s Doone. I kiss True on the temple and tell her I’ll be right back. Once I am alone I answer the call. “What’s up Doone,” I say.
“I have the information you asked for, the list of shareholders and the bank that the business is financed through. I sent it to your email in an encrypted folder. Also, there has been some movement in Columbia, I’ll let you know if and when that movement becomes international,” Doone says and hangs the phone up.
I stand there for a second knowing I am almost at the finish line of this long fucked up game I’ve been playing. This is the last piece of the puzzle outside of Victor’s dead corpse at my feet. I want to make sure that there is nothing for anyone in his organization to take over once Victor is gone. I’ve stopped the girls from coming in, I saw Doone’s bust on the news last week. There were a lot of people that went down with that bust including some governors and senators, male and female. Pieces of shit. The drug line is functioning like a 1978 Gremlin, the car not the creature. We shut damn near every one of his drug supply lines down. I didn’t work all my life to find this bitch to leave his empire still standing. He took my legacy from me and I will take everything he’s ever worked for from him.
I call my accountant and give instructions to buy the bank that holds the financing to Victor’s last business, the real estate company. All of his shareholders will be bought out or they can come up missing like Victor’s lawyer did, once they are out of the way it will solely belong to me. I hear the door open behind me since I came outside to take the call from Doone.
“I need a favor,” Josh says and I spin so fast to see what he needs I almost lose my footing. My brother never asks for anything, not just from me but from any of us.
“What do you need?” I ask him.
“ I bought tickets for an event tonight I was going to take Savvy to, but she stated she’d rather spend some time alone together so I am going to take her to the beach house for the week. You and True take the tickets and go in our place.”
“ Um ok sure,” I say before I think to ask what the event is.
“Thanks. I’m looking forward to having some alone time with Savvy, just reconnecting and relaxing,” he says to me as he hands me the ticket and walks back in the house.
I look down at the tickets in my hand and they are for a black-tie roller skating event. Black tie roller skating? Where does Josh find this stuff? I walk back in the house to find True and Savvy still seated at the kitchen booth drinking tea and eating some of Jaasiel’s caramel apple cinnamon rolls.
“Baby, Josh gave us tickets to a black-tie roller skating event tonight. I’m sure you don’t have anything black tie, maybe you could borrow a dress from Savvy,” I suggest.
“ I know good and hell well you did not tell her to borrow one of my dresses!” Savvy says like I told her she should dress up as a clown and go. “She should have her own dress that she picked out and feels comfortable and sexy in. Preferably with pockets. Don’t worry Atlas, I’ll take her shopping. Come on True, I have Atlas’ black card.” She grabs True’s hand and they slide out of the booth and head to the door.
“Savvy where are you going?” Jag asks as he walks out from their suite of rooms.
“To take True shopping for a dress for the roller skating date tonight,” she says. “Don’t worry I have Atlas’ black card,” she runs over to give him a kiss and pulls True out the door in under thirty seconds.
I reach into my pocket and grab my wallet, and sure enough, my black card is missing.
“Josh, how did your wife get my black card?” I say to him, not really caring but curious.
“How the hell do I know, did you leave your wallet lying around? She told y’all if you kept doing that she was going to start taking the card she wanted out of y’all wallet?” he says as he sits on the sofa and finds something to watch on t.v.
I remember that conversation, she was mortified to find out a delivery person stole Aryan’s wallet that he left on the foyer table. She spazzed out about us being too comfortable leaving our stuff laying around. There is no telling how long she’s had my black card, I think shaking my head. I know she’d never use it and if she did Josh would give me my money back, not that I’d take it.