Page 35 of Atlas
Savvy takes me to the store she always goes to that makes her feel sexy.
“I hate looking for clothes at times being a plus-size woman. If they aren’t misshapen, there is always some hideous design or pattern on them. Do I look like I want to look like a giant walking petunia or daffodil? Just because I’m plus size does not make me not worthy to dress cute like skinny women.” she says as we walk through the door and I can see why she brought me here. This is an upscale boutique that caters to only plus-size women. I am not a fashionista but this store could change that. I go to a rack of black evening gowns to see if I can pick just one dress.
It turns out I could not pick just one dress, and I do not know where I am going to wear an evening gown but once I saw it and tried it on I knew I had to have it. But for tonight I got a sequin pink chocolate off-the-shoulder pants suit. It would be modest on someone else but on me, it accentuates every feature I try to hide. The fashion assistant helps me pick out the accessories. By the time I make it to the register to pay for my selections Savvy has swiped Atlas’ black card.
“I could have paid for my own things, Savvy, I didn’t expect him to pay for my stuff,” I tell her slightly uncomfortably.
“And he can pay for these things for you and he expected to pay for your things or he would’ve taken his card from me when I told him I had it. It’s ok to let him do something nice for you, it doesn’t make you a gold digger,” she says as she puts the card away and grabs one of the bags.
“Where can I find skates?” I ask Savvy.
“Atlas is taking care of it. Is there anything else you need?” she asks.
“Yes, make-up and shoes to wear. I can’t wear the skates there.” I say, realizing I haven’t worn makeup since before I was caught at Victor’s house.
We head to the department store where I grab everything, makeup, perfume, brushes, blenders, you name it and a pair of handmade gold mesh ankle boots. More than a thousand dollars later we are walking out of the store when I see their salon does brows and lashes. Savvy and I both head in and get ours done. Once we have that done we head back to the compound.
“I’m nervous about tonight. Atlas and I have never been out on a real dinner date. Hell, I have never been on a date in my life.” I say.
“Never?’ she says incredulously.
“Well, when I was a teenager but those don’t count. I have never been on an adult date. I was focused on other things and dating wasn’t a priority.” I tell her.
“You sound like Atlas, there was so much he sacrificed growing up that he pretty much didn’t have any type of childhood. You and he are very alike, maybe that’s why you are so good for each other. I am not sure how you guys really met and I don’t care. I am just glad he found you.” She says.
I stay quiet because I do not know what to say. Once we get to the house Savvy pulls me into her section of the house and it is literally a house within a house. Her walk-in closet and vanity area is the stuff dreams are made of. I shower and get ready there so Atlas cannot see me, as I take my time and apply my makeup, and flat iron my hair. I am really good at makeup, it was the one really girly indulgence I allowed myself. I had thought about being a makeup artist when I was younger; I used to imagine being a makeup artist to the stars. If I do go to college, once I graduate and begin working with men and women who are victims of domestic violence I can do their makeup perhaps to hide the scars and as a way to take back the beauty that has been stolen from them through acts of violence. I finish up with my makeup and move onto my hair as these thoughts run through my head. By the time I catch myself I have finished my face on autopilot cause I don’t remember doing any of it. I spray some perfume on and take the pants suit out of the garment bag and slip it on. The accessories finish the look and I am ready to go roller-skating with Atlas.
Savvy comes back and hands me a bra holster and the gun that goes in it. “Just in case,” she says. I take a few seconds to clip in place and now I’m all set.
I’m in the living room with Josh talking.
“Do you even know how to skate?” he asks me.
“Fine time to ask me now, after you give me the damn tickets and True goes and buys an outfit,” I say.
“You could’ve said you couldn’t skate when I gave you the tickets”
“True, even though I never roller skated I was pretty good at ice skating. It can’t be that different.” I think out loud.
“Enjoy yourself tonight, I am so glad to see you finally enjoying life and not being so serious all the damn time. I like her, she’s good for you.”
“I am glad I found her,” I reply smiling.
“And how did you find her again?” he asks, one brow raised.
“I told you,” I say without looking at him.
“We don’t lie to each other, Atlas….ever. I don’t care how you found her, I’m just glad you did. The only person I have seen you allow in is Savvy, even though she did not give you much of a choice.” Josh says chuckling. “Have you told her you love her?”
“Yes” a while ago.
“Have you told her about your past?”
“No,” I say quickly.