Page 45 of Atlas
Chapter 20
I put the finishing touches on True’s surprise. It wasn’t too difficult to keep her in the dark. The woman sleeps like the dead. I have snuck out more times than I can count to handle the Victor situation and I found her in the same position I left her in. I know she only sleeps like that with me because she feels safe and can let her guard down.
“Baby, aren’t you supposed to get your email from the school today letting you know if you were accepted or not?”
“Yes, but I am too nervous to see if it’s come and what it says,” she says while she nibbles on her thumb.
“Come on, we'll open it together,” I say as I steer her towards my desk. I log into my computer, she sits down at the desk and pulls up her email. She scrolls through for a second and there it is. She hovers the mouse over the email, too afraid to click and open it up, so I lean, place my hand on top of hers and press the button. The congratulations pops up on the screen and she screams and slaps her hands over her mouth. Looking up at me with tears in her eyes, has me pulling her up into my arms.
“You did it love, you got in college.”
She tries to talk a few times but she can’t, she just shakes her head and holds onto me. I hold her until she calms down.
“I need school supplies, I haven’t been to school in years, Atlas. Most of my classes are online and I don’t even have a computer.”
“You have time to get all that. I am so proud of you, taking control of your life and figuring out what you want to do with yourself. I will be here to help you every step of the way and if a teacher fails you, we’ll just have Jabarri change it,” I tell her and she slaps my arm and laughs.
“ Baby, can you help me decide on if I should get a Murphy bed for my third bedroom? I left it empty until I could decide what to do with it.”
“Of course,” she says as we walk out of our bedroom to the third bedroom.
When she opens the door the water works begin again. I do have a Murphy bed but I have created an office for her. She has a desktop computer, laptop computer, an extra-long desk, a few smart notebooks, a backpack, pens, pencils, and on and on. “I might have gone a little overboard,” I tell her “but I knew you’d get in and I was just so proud I couldn’t help myself”
“Yes you did and I thank you so much for it,” she says and kisses me.
We go through the things I bought her and get her logged into her computers. The email has links for her to register for classes and for financial aid but she pays for it outright. School starts soon and I know she is nervous. We take our time and plan her schedule and talk about the shelter. We decided to renovate an existing building and we’ll talk to Asher about the remodel once we find the building we want.
“Hello,” I bark in the phone. We finally got the information on the last shareholder and we’ll be paying him a visit today. I’m sure he’ll be willing to sell you his share of the company once he realizes what charges he’s being brought up on. We’re going to seize all of his other assets so he’ll need the money. Also, Victor’s second in command was seen arriving in Columbia but has not been seen again, with you taking this last asset from him I’m sure he’ll be coming back to the US to deal with things directly.
“So, in other words, get ready,” I say to Doone.
“Get ready,” he says and the line goes dead.
It was such an amazing day, learning I was accepted into college and Atlas surprising me with an office and all the school supplies he bought. I played with my computers and got things set up for school, but beyond that, the shelter is going to become a reality. I searched for the rest of the day looking for the right location and building. Atlas was helping until he got a phone call, and his whole mood changed. It had to be about Victor, that is the only subject that brings out that side of him. He wouldn’t tell me what the conversation was about and he still hasn’t told me why he wants to kill Victor. I want to know but I do not want to push him, honestly, when it comes to Victor it could be anything literally. Even hearing about the things he has done to other people, young girls, and some of the people who work for him is enough to mark him for death. He is a sorry excuse for a human being and a complete psychopath.
Savvy came with me today to look at a couple of properties, and as usual, it has turned into a whole event because Savvy is well Savvy. We have looked at several buildings and locations and she has brought up some valid points I did not think of. I think Atlas gave her a list of things to ask or look for. We have one more property to look at, if this property is not feasible we’ll have to reconsider building instead. This property is further out than the other properties we have seen today and it sits by itself.
“I like that this is mostly isolated and on flat ground. The women, men, and children that come here are most likely running and will feel safer without a lot of other people and businesses around.” I think out loud to Savvy.
“That’s probably true. Are you going to house the men in the same building as the women? That might bother the women and the men if they have been abused by women.” She says.
“That’s a valid point, and that is why I wanted to house them separately from the women and the family units will be separated as well. It’ll be a huge undertaking but I think if we do it correctly it will work for everyone.” I say my mind is spinning with possibilities.
“Well let me be the first to volunteer my teaching services for the children and even the adults who may need help with reading, writing, or even putting together a resume so they can find work.” Savvy offers.
“Thank you for that, that would be amazing and needed. I like this property, there are a few things that would need to be done to get the property to what I need but I really think this will work.” I say.
“You can also purchase the surrounding land if you are interested in that,” Blake tells me.
“I’m definitely interested in this property. I just need to let Atlas know so he can come to take a look too and then we can go from there.” I tell him. We end the property tour with a promise to give Blake a call in a few days. Savvy and I headed back into town to pick up a few things she needed.
“I am so sick of Jag and the brothers using all my hair products!” Savannah says. “Jag used my products one time and claimed his hair was softer and more manageable. He sounded like a damn commercial. Then he had the nerve to give my products to Atlas and Seph to use and the rest is history. They usually have their own but if they run out they come to steal my stash. They do give me money to replace what they use but do you know how irritating it is to be washing your hair and reach for something to realize your out because a bunch of grown-ass men has used it all? She says, shaking her head. “Stop laughing True, it’s not funny”
“I’m sorry but it is a little funny. Why don’t you have Jag contact them and order in bulk, I mean the amount of hair in that household, would need an entire hair store to keep up.”