Page 46 of Atlas
“So true, and maybe I will, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. The creator of the line is supposed to be coming out with a new line and I cannot wait to try it. Everything she has created, that I’ve used I have loved, and she’s priced them affordably. But this new line that she released, Melaninque, is her platinum line and it is double the cost of her other products, and I stay buying the whole line. I am on the verge of contacting them and to see if I can buy the products on a buyer's level.” Savvy says.
“Well, I’ll have to put my name on the list for access to the products too. Once Atlas used them on my hair, that's all I’ve been using too.” I say smiling at Savvy “it works wonders on my hair!
“Well, that explains why Atlas has been stealing twice as much from me. What I don’t understand is why they just don’t go buy their own instead of always taking from me.” She grouses.
“Because you are their sister and they know you will take care of them and as much as you talk shit you love doing it for them. If you really didn’t want to do it or if taking your products was that big of an issue for you you would have shut it down or had Joshua shut it down.” I tell her
“You don’t know me,” she says “and how dare you expose me like that. Don’t let them know I enjoy taking care of them.”
“Um, I'm pretty sure they already know,” I say laughing.
We get to the store and she damn near wipes the entire section out, we look around at some other stuff too. In true Savvy fashion, she picks up and puts it down, grabs a bunch of stuff, adds it up, complains about the cost, and puts it all back. She is hilarious, if you didn’t know her you would never guess she is married to a multimillionaire. As I am following her my senses go on full alert. I was having this feeling while we were driving from the last property but it faded when we got to the store. Now it’s back in full force, I take a look around but nothing seems out of place, no one sticks out. Savvy finally buys just the hair products.
We stop at a few other stores on our way back to the car but the feeling never leaves. Savvy wants to grab a caramel iced coffee so we decide to walk to the coffee shop.
“True?” she asks.
“Yep,” I reply.
“ They have been following us since we left the last property. I wasn't sure but once we put the bags in the car and began walking and I saw them again I was sure”. She says calmly like we are talking about the pastries we are going to get.
“When we get to the next corner we turn and go into the first store she says”.
We turn at the corner and go into the first store, we hide to make sure the two men following us come all the way in the store. Once they do, we come up behind them with guns drawn.
“Looking for us?” Savvy asks the guy.
He goes to move and Savvy takes the safety off.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, I have no problems shooting your ass right where you stand. Both of you give me your guns.” I have the gun Atlas gave me that morning trained on the other guy. They look around to assess their situation.
“Oh trust me the scene we’d cause would be oscar worthy so my killing you to defend myself will be justifiable”.
Realizing they are stuck they both hand over their guns which Savvy puts in her purse
“Let’s go for a walk,” Savvy says and if you act an ass, Brianna, she lifts the gun higher, “will act a bigger ass. Oh, by the way, say cheese,” she says as she takes a picture of both men with her phone. She waves the gun and we walk out of the store. Savvy wraps her arm around the guy’s arm and holds the gun to his ribs as we walk and I do the same. To anyone looking at us, we look like two couples shopping. We reach the coffee shop and order our coffee and pastries. As soon as we sit down Savvy’s phone rings.
“Savannah who the fuck are you with?” the voice bellows over the phone.
“A couple of guys who were following True and I, we’re having a nice cup of coffee at Joe Momma Coffee Shop”.
“We’re on our way,” and the phone hangs up.
“Drink up gentlemen this might be your last cup of coffee,” Savannah says with a smirk.