Page 31 of The Comeback Heir
He grimaced. “That won’t be necessary. I’m going with you to Florida. Ayla, too. We’re your support group right now.”
“But you—”
He held up his hand. “End of discussion.”
She swallowed her pride. “Thank you, Wynn. I was dreading the thought of going alone.”
“You’re welcome.”
Felicity tickled the baby’s cheek. “How is she feeling?”
“Seems to be back to her normal self.”
“I’m glad.”
“When she goes down for a morning nap, I’ll help you with whatever details I can.”
“I need to call Uncle Danny again, but it sounded like a group of Dad’s friends were putting something a little memorial service. Maybe they’re expecting me to bury him at Falcon’s Notch. So I may not have much to do in Florida. Just attend, I guess?”
Wynn nodded. “We’ll handle whatever it is. Get yourself some breakfast. I made waffles.”
“You made waffles?” She raised both eyebrows.
“They’re toaster waffles, smart-ass.”
Felicity chuckled. “Ah. Now I get it.”
By the time Felicity fixed her plate and poured coffee for herself, she found herself hyperaware of Wynn again. He looked tired, poor man. But that did nothing to detract from his wickedly sensual mouth or his beautifully masculine body.
Memories of the long night made Felicity sweat. It was demoralizing to admit that Wynn had done the right thing. She had been desperate to distract herself from what had happened.
If they’d had sex, Felicity would have been using Wynn. Even if he didn’t mind, that didn’t make it right.
Still, her body hummed with unfulfilled desire. The longer she stayed in New York, the more careful she would have to be. Last night could have changed things drastically.
“Wynn, I...”
He looked up from his plate and stared at her. “If this is about all the great sex we didn’t have, forget it. You were in a bad place. We’ve moved on.”
Felicity nodded slowly, but she wasn’t convinced. If they had moved on, why was Wynn’s knee bouncing underneath the table, and why did he keep looking at her when he thought she wouldn’t see?
After breakfast, she went to her room and called her uncle. “I’m glad you were with him,” she said. “And that he was doing something he loved. I’m glad he didn’t die alone.”
After another fifteen minutes with her usually laconic uncle, she was finally able to extract the details she needed. The service for her dad’s friends would be at a local campground on Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m. Her father had hated the idea of cremation. His body was being held at a local funeral home pending transport to Falcon’s Notch.
“I’ll be there for the service,” Felicity said. “And I’ll handle those other arrangements when I come.”
After that, things happened quickly.
Felicity found Wynn in his home office. He was on a business call. The baby was asleep. When Wynn hung up, Felicity gave him the update. “The more I’ve thought about it, the more I think I should go on my own. Ayla has barely had time to adjust to her new environment. I don’t see how you can leave her so soon.”
“I told you,” Wynn said. “She’s going, too. That was my administrative assistant on the phone. Her college-age daughter is home on break for the holiday. Missy is an education major, early childhood. I’ve met her once before. She’s willing to fly down with us and take care of the baby so you and I can do what we need to do.”
“But it’s Thanksgiving.”
We’ll have her home by noon on Thursday. Everyone’s on board with this plan. Missy would have done this out of the goodness of her heart, but I’m going to pay for her spring semester as a thank-you.”
“That’s very generous.”