Page 32 of The Comeback Heir
He shrugged. “She’s a great kid. And she’s doing us a huge favor.”
Felicity chewed her lip. “This is my crisis, not yours. I’m not going to fall apart. You can stay here and have Thanksgiving with your new daughter. Really. It’s okay.”
Wynn pulled her into his arms. “It’s not okay,” he said. “I want to be there with you.”
“But why?” Her cheek rested over the steady thump of his heart.
“Because I care about you, Fliss. And because seeing you at Shandy’s funeral and burial made all the difference for me. I couldn’t believe you came. You were a shining light for me that day.”
The kiss started out tender but heated up rapidly. It was broad daylight. They were both dressed. Nobody was talking about sex. But Felicity was thinking about it. A lot.
Wynn pressed her closer. His breathing was ragged. She clung to his shoulders.
The kiss deepened. For the first time, Felicity was afraid. Not of Wynn. Never him. But of the way he made her feel. Young and restless and eager to plunge headfirst into trouble.
The man smelled like syrup and pine forests. His solid, six-two frame dwarfed hers, sheltered her. Protected her.
She had been on her own for a very long time. Supporting herself. Doing all the grown-up things grown-ups do. Even her 401(k) was healthy.
But right now, she was tempted to throw away all the structure and security she had worked so hard to build. Because she wanted Wynn.
“I can’t breathe,” she said.
He let her go...but only so far. “Sorry, Fliss. You make me a little crazy.”
She touched his chin, stroked his bottom lip. “At the risk of getting shot down again, I should let you know I’m not feeling sad and weepy right now. Mostly, I’m just...”
His gaze sharpened. “Horny?”
Her face flamed. “And you’re not?”
“Oh, I definitely am. In fact, I’ve wanted you ever since you set foot in my house in Falcon’s Notch. We may be different people now, but our bodies recognize each other.”
She shivered at the intensity in his voice and in his eyes. “Yes,” she said simply.
“The baby might interrupt us.” His warning was wry.
“Then I suppose we should quit wasting time.”
Shock flared in his green eyes. “Hell, yeah.” He glanced around him blankly, as if looking for inspiration. “Desk or bed?” he asked hoarsely.
She sucked in a shaky breath. “Do you keep condoms in your office?” she asked.
His disgruntled look might have been comical in other circumstances. “Bed it is.”
He scooped up the baby monitor in one hand, took her wrist in the other and dragged her down the hallway to his bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind them. After putting the monitor on the dresser, he stared at Felicity.
Her nipples tightened, and heat coiled in her belly. She had never seen a man more intent on carnal pleasure. She cleared her throat. “To be clear,” she said, “I don’t expect this to be anything but recreational. I thought I should put that out there.”
A slight frown put a crease between his eyebrows. “Duly noted. Are we done talking?”
Her cheeks were hot. “Yes.”
Something happened then. Something inexplicable. Felicity felt paralyzed. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Wynn. She wanted him too much. The depth and breadth of everything she craved threatened to drown her.
Despite their joking about the baby’s unpredictability, Wynn didn’t rush. He unbuttoned her shirt so slowly she wanted to bat his hands away and do it herself. But she made herself watch.
Seeing his long, tanned fingers so close to her intimate flesh made all the air back up in her lungs. She forgot to breathe.