Page 15 of The Savage
With my back to the tree, I pull her down to sit between my legs and as my arms wrap around her shivering body, I push the emotion away.
“We could be some time.” I say harshly. “Get some sleep and I’ll keep watch.”
She says nothing, which upsets me more than I thought it would, even though I threatened to gag her if she spoke. I am seriously losing my mind right now and blame it on the poison in my bloodstream. I really need to shrug this mood off and reclaim control of my life if we are going to make it back to civilization alive.
As we sit like Hansel and Gretel in the forest, I’m happy when she leans back against my chest and her even breathing tells me she’s fallen asleep. It’s strangely comforting as I hold her in my arms, loving the warmth she provides and knowing I’m not on my own.
It strikes me I’m always on my own, unless you count the women I fuck for pleasure and nothing more.
But this is different. I have an actual life in my calloused hands, and I’m surprised to find I’m enjoying every minute of it.
I even catch myself brushing my lips against the top of her hair and breathing in the scent of a woman. She feels so soft, delicate even, and like Adam’s apple, is the most forbidden fruit.
She stirs and her soft moan escapes into the air and just hearing the gentle sound makes me tighten my grip a little. It’s as if I’m holding a newly born baby, and the protective surge she has created shocks me a little.
I am tempted to close my eyes and give into the darkness myself, but only my will to survive this nightmare keeps me alert.
My darkest thoughts are my only companion as I try to figure out who wants us both dead. As I play with the possibilities, nothing adds up.
Was I the intended target and, because I shared my food with Charlotte, I dragged her into it?
Could it have been my men on board that plane eager to get me out of the way, but for what? They would never go against my father unless the bastard himself ordered the hit.
Perhaps he discovered who my precious cargo really is, and my tale of kidnap and ransom was revealed as a lie. I know my father hates Massimo Delauren as much as the rest of us, but I understand it’s always business with him. If Massimo somehow discovered it was the bratva who snatched his daughter away before he could reach her, it would explain his deal with my father. But why risk harming her? That also doesn’t make sense.
The fact they knew we would be holed up in Norilsk waiting for the signal tells me they intended for us to die there. Either from the poison or from an assassin being sent to finish the job. That was why we ran. Malik was right to order it and I hope to God he has a plan to get us to safety because Club Mafia are the only ones I trust right now, knowing they are the only people who have my back without sticking a knife in it.
The hard ground and the temperature are not helping, especially as I dare not move out of fear of waking the sleeping beauty in my arms. It’s only my devious thoughts keeping me awake right now and I’m not sure how long we have been in this position before I hear a plane coming into land.
My heart rate increases as I watch it touch down and taxi to the most remote part of the airfield. Then I watch the lights flash three times and know this is our ride out of here and, leaning down, I whisper, “Baby, wake up.”
With a start she jumps, and I whisper, “Follow me. We must remain in the shadows.”
I can only imagine it’s the adrenalin that kick starts us into action and as we circle the perimeter under the cover of trees, it doesn’t take long before we reach the plane.
Thanking God, Norilsk is such a shit show, I use my knife to enlarge a hole in the wire fencing, enabling us to crawl through.
The door to the aircraft opens and I hold my breath as I drag Charlotte in one hand and raise my gun in the other and as the steps lower and a man in uniform peers out, I see the livery of Malik’s family emblazoned on his jacket and breathe a sigh of relief.
I think we break all records for boarding an aircraft and as the steps fold up behind us, we fall into the luxurious jet belonging to Malik’s Arab family.
“Welcome on board Mr. Volkov. Miss. Richmond.”
The captain nods respectfully and says quickly, “Please take your seats. We need to be airborne inside of five minutes.”
Realizing I still have hold of Charlotte’s hand, I guide her to the nearest seat and quickly strap her in like a child before taking the one next to her.
As the plane’s engine starts up, I look out of the window and notice some headlights heading our way and pray this captain knows what he’s doing because if I’m not mistaken, those cars are here for us.
He told me not to speak, and the bastard had better get used to it because why am I even bothering? He was so rude, and it wounded my already battered pride still further and I sit bristling beside him with the anger pushing aside any fear I have for my own safety.
Fucking savage is the best name for him and I can only imagine he received it from a past girlfriend. Imagining the torture he must have put her through makes me hope she dumped him, and it hurt badly. That can be the only explanation for his rude misogyny and as soon as we reach wherever we’re going, I am going to put in place an escape plan I have yet to formulate in my mind.
As the plane starts moving, I am full of dark thoughts toward my captor, which includes strangling him with the lifejacket cord under my seat if I get the opportunity.