Page 16 of The Savage
To think I was concerned for him. Well, that won’t happen again and suddenly a loud bang makes me jump and before I know what’s happening, he grabs the back of my neck and pushes me face down toward the floor, yelling, “Keep low and away from the windows.”
Immediately forgetting I’m not speaking to him, I yell, “What the fuck is happening?”
“They’ve found us.”
“Who? The police?”
I’m almost hoping that’s the case, but his derisive laugh causes me to hate him all over again.
“The fucking bastards who want us dead, so if you want to live to irritate me some more, shut the fuck up and keep your head down.”
Now I’m afraid because that sounds like gunfire and it hasn’t escaped my notice that we are sitting on an unexploded bomb with all the fuel in our tanks and as the plane increases its speed, I almost expect to meet my maker in a blaze of glory.
Maybe the fact my life is flashing before my eyes confuses my already scrambled brain because I reach for Ivan’s fingers and clasp them so tightly, whispering, “If we don’t make it, thank you for trying to save me.”
The way he is crushing my hand causes me to wince as he growls, “We will die another day, malyshka. Today is not that day.”
As the plane lifts off from the ground, I hold my breath and count to ten and as we soar high into the air, my heart provides the fuel because I have never been so high on adrenalin in my life.
By the time the plane levels out and the engines stop screaming, I open my eyes and take a deep sigh of relief. So far, so good.
Ivan drags my hand with him and clutches it tightly as he exhales sharply and, to my surprise, lifts my hand and brushes his lips against it, closing his eyes, looking more relieved than anything.
As I glance down at the ink on his fingers that are brutally different to my own manicured ones, it makes me shiver a little inside. Images of what he could do with those hands to bring me pleasure make me weak, and this time it’s not because of the poison inside me. It’s him. He is the poison that corrupted me because I shouldn’t want him. I shouldn’t even like him, and I shouldn’t be infatuated with him because he is the man responsible for tearing my world apart.
I glance up as the door to the cockpit opens, and the pilot heads out, briefly causing me alarm as I question who is flying this freaking plane and he catches the fear on my face and smiles with amusement.
“It’s ok, my co-pilot has taken over.”
I sigh with relief as he sits opposite and stares at us with concern.
“Mr. Karim has instructed us to fly you to Poland, where a connecting flight will take you to Switzerland. A helicopter will transport you to his home where you will wait for further instructions.”
I stare at him in complete surprise and glance down at my rather dirty uniform and know it must appear as if I died already. Ivan is no better in his battered combats and sweater, and there’s also the part where we have no personal documentation.
I keep my mouth shut though because I haven’t forgotten his rudeness earlier, and suddenly all my questions are answered as the captain removes a manila envelope from a storage compartment and hands it to Ivan.
“Your papers are in here with new identities. Mr. Karim has arranged a change of clothing that you will find in the cabin at the rear of the aircraft. I would advise showering and grabbing something to eat. Flight time will be roughly five hours, so you may want to get some sleep.”
“Have you any other passengers?” Ivan’s voice is gruff, and I’m surprised at the question because I thought we were alone, and the captain shakes his head.
“No crew as requested by Mr. Karim. We have registered you both as passengers under your new names and there is no record of you being here at all under your original ones.”
“Good.” Ivan fixes him with a harsh glare, and I feel bad for the captain, so I smile softly and say, “Thank you so much.”
His soft gaze makes me almost want to curl up in his arms and tell him to save me, which obviously doesn’t go unnoticed by Ivan, who growls, “Thank you. We will be in our cabin.”
I think I’m more shocked than the captain when Ivan fixes him with a dark look, promising all manner of horrors and positively drags me behind him toward the rear of the aircraft.
Now my heart is thumping for an entirely different reason because he saidourcabin. What the fuck is he implying here?
I follow him through a door and blink in astonishment at the luxurious room that looks completely out of place on an aircraft.
“Ivan.” My voice sounds hushed and far away as I whisper, “I’m hallucinating again.”
His low laugh takes me by surprise, and he chuckles. “My friend has more money than God. This is one of his smaller toys.”
I blink as I gaze around at an actual bedroom. Dressed in black silk sheets and fur throws is a frigging king–sized bed with drapes hanging heavy on the side. Cream leather chairs sit either side of a porthole and the white shag pile carpet looks brand new. Gold mirrors and chandeliers dress the room in the finest luxury, and I blink again as Ivan pulls me into what appears to be a dressing room, leading on to a full-sized bathroom.