Page 76 of Dark Cravings
He froze, and I knew I had fallen silent for longer than I’d thought. Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself grinding against his ass, my nose buried in his neck from behind. A gasp escaped him, and that alluring scent bloomed in the air, unhinging something inside me right when I should've been recoiling in horror at whatever the fuck it was I thought I was doing.
Not that I was doing a lot of thinking at the moment.
“Fuck, you smell good,” I said, which came out a hell of a lot more menacing than it had sounded in my head.
"Father…" Eddie breathed.
The sound of that title on his lips, as fucked up as it was, sent me off the edge. A growl escaped me that I recognized as wrong in the depths of my conscious mind, but it was buried. Buried and insignificant in comparison to the blinding lust that was now in control.
Far more pressing was the song that beautiful scent was singing for me, and the way his perfectly round ass arched back into me for more as I ground against him. My teeth grazed the back of his neck, bare now that the silver collar was missing, and a strange urge possessed me. The urge to mark the tawny, unsullied flesh beneath.
I turned my head and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck when the urge felt too strong to resist for much longer. He shivered, and the last traces of my resolve vanished. I found myself hastily undoing his pants, and when the button proved too cumbersome, I just yanked them down to his knees.
He whimpered a little, another sound that drove me wild, but I took his cock in my hand and gave it a stroke in consolation. He forgave me soon enough and was whimpering for a different reason as he arched into me. I was already hard, torturously so, as I tore open my own pants and positioned my cock at his entrance.
At the last second, I managed to hold back, reminding myself he was more or less human and I couldn't just ram into him without any preparation. I drew my fingers into my mouth to wet them and replaced my cock with them, pushing in two at once since I was unable to manage being gentle in my current state. The moan of pleasure on his lips as he bucked into me said he didn't mind, at least.
I didn't have lubricant on me, but he took my fingers easily enough. He’d learned to relax, it seemed.
"Please," he whined, his words echoing the cries of his body and drawing me back to myself. "Please, Father de Leon, I... Fuck me. Please?"
I was already halfway delirious with lust, and those words just sent me spiraling into the abyss. Another snarl tore from my throat as I pulled my fingers out and gripped his hips, ramming into him in one swift motion.
His head fell back and he cried out in pain, but even that fueled the dark fire burning within me. His body wobbled beneath mine, and if it hadn't been for his knees bent beneath him and my cock buried balls-deep in his ass, I was pretty sure he would have collapsed.
I just couldn't bring myself to care. Not when he cried out, not even when the scent of his blood perfumed the air. He hadn't told me to stop and his cock was still hard when I gripped it again, so I kept going, and before long, his whimpers became pleasured moans.
Fuck. He was so hot and tight and slick even though I had barely prepared him. Had it been like this the last time, too? I remembered the pleasure, blinding and intense, but I'd been in control. This was something different. Something...
I didn't know. I wasn't sure I wanted to, but it was nothing more than a distant observation anyway. The lingering chatter of my conscious mind. I thrust into him like I was trying to fuck him to death, but it still wasn't enough.
Eddie was trembling and quaking beneath me, his sounds of pleasure and pain barely muffled by his own forearm as he bit into it hard enough to draw blood with his fangs. I was buried in him deeper than ever, and each time I thrust, his hole clenched down on my cock to the point where it was barely tolerable. My nails dug into his hips to punish him, but he kept bucking wildly, making it hard to stay inside him even though he was clearly trying to drive me deeper. The scent of fresh blood hit the air as he tore, and I wished I could say it called me back to myself, but it didn't. It had the opposite effect.
A strangled cry escaped him as he came, and I realized only then how furiously I'd been stroking his cock. The orgasm made him clench down even more, and I lost it. Pain and tension surged through the base of my shaft as his ass constricted around me like a vise, becoming intolerable, but I drove into him even harder. Every instinct was at war with its counterpart in rational thought, and it was a tossup which one of them my body would obey. I just knew I'd never felt anything more incredible—or agonizing—and the orgasm that came after was no exception. I heard an inhuman growl and at first, I thought it was Eddie, until I realized he was making pained little whimpering sounds, which meant...
What the fuck?
I barely had time to process it before another impulse crashed over me, even more overwhelming than the others. I'd fought it off with considerable effort the last time we’d had sex, but I was powerless now. My gums ached like something was cutting through them right down to the bone, and the only release to be found was when I sank my teeth into the juncture of his neck and shoulder. This time, I broke the skin. Another cry tore from his throat, this one a scream of panic, but it was just more distant background noise as his blood rushed down my throat.
I sank my teeth in deeper, driving into him one more time as I came harder than I ever had in my life. Hard enough that I blacked out for a second, and when I came to, Eddie had collapsed beneath me, panting and twitching in the aftermath of his own orgasm and...
Whatever the hell that was.
I withdrew my teeth from his flesh, confused when I realized two of the wounds in the crescent-shaped mark on his skin were deeper than the others. The sight of his blood, still flowing freely, had a bizarre, hypnotic effect on me and it was all I could do to tear myself away as I started coming back to my conscious mind.
"Eddie?" My voice sounded raw and menacing, so I tried again. "Oh, fuck, are you...? Did I...?"
"I..." His voice cracked and his body jerked beneath me, sending another surge of discomfort through my cock, still buried deeply within him. "You bit me."
"Yeah," I said hoarsely, still trying to work up the appropriate amount of “what the fuck” energy because, at the moment, the sight of the wound was only filling me with a twisted sense of pride. Concern was ebbing in slowly but surely, though. Concern and guilt. "I'm sorry, I... I have no idea why I did that. Let me pull out and I'll—"
I froze when I felt resistance. When I tried again, Eddie yelped in pain, so I stopped.
"What the fuck…?"
"What?" Eddie asked, his voice strained. "What happened?"
"I'm... stuck," I said. As ridiculous as it sounded, it was the only way I could describe what was happening. Somewhere in the back of my mind, an explanation presented itself, but it was as distasteful as it was far-fetched.