Page 100 of Nights At Sea
Damn, I’m confused. A war is raging within me. To go for it or not? But I’ve ignored my gut feeling before and look where it got me.
Swallowing hard, I inhale his scent. The scent that I remember so well on me after hours of grinding and squirming against him, of cradling him inside me.
Don’t look at his lips. Don’t look at his lips, I chant to myself.
But I can’t help it. I look at his lips. His big, full, kissable lips… I lick mine instinctively.
I notice too late that Tiero’s eyes have opened. He’s been watching me.
I’m trapped in his gaze and powerless to look away.
The thing is, I don’t want to resist him anymore. My body is crying out for his lips on me, his touch, his possession.
It’s crying out to feel alive again, forget the horrible experiences and bury them by making new ecstatic ones.
I’m not sure if it’s me leaning in closer or him, but the last few inches between our lips seem to disappear, and my body begins to buzz with anticipation.
I know what his lips feel like on me… hot and sensual and consuming, driving any thought other than him out of my universe.
Inhaling one last breath, I sense his on my skin. But a second before our lips touch, a thought hits me.
Stockholm syndrome.
Where did this thought come from? Sometimes I surprise myself.
What if I developed an emotional bond with Tiero because he’s saved me twice? Never mind he’s the reason I needed rescuing.
“No,” I whisper, shaking my head as if to clear it.
“No,” I repeat stronger this time.
I’m not sure if I’m trying to remind myself or make sure he heard it.
I’m too confused to make any decisions. Let alone a decision that will give Tiero the green light to storm forward with his conquest and change my life forever.
Who am I kidding? My life has already changed forever.
This can’t be Stockholm Syndrome, though. I fell in love with him before he kidnapped me.
But then I hated him for what he’s done… just to fall in love with him again?
Tiero is still hovering close to my face, his gaze intent on mine. So many emotions are there. I close my eyes to shut him out, but it only serves to assault my senses further with his scent.
He doesn’t reply, and I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to see the disappointment in his face that’s undoubtedly there. It’s most likely mixed with a tinge of anger for my continuing resistance.
His warm hands cup my face and his long fingers stroke my cheek tenderly. “Open your eyes…please, cuore mio,” he whispers.
I slowly do, and when my eyes meet his, there is no disappointment, no anger. Instead, I’m greeted with a look of affection,warmth and… love.
Startled by this, I lower my gaze. And because my face is still in his hands, my eyes land on his beautiful, delicious lips again.
My desire for this man has a life of its own.
Yeah, let’s face it, he’s always had me. It’s nothing new.
As if caught in the act, my eyes shoot up to his. A warm smile spreads over his sculpted face. My heart is beating so fast, I’m sure he feels my racing pulse under his fingertips.
“Let it happen, angel,” he implores quietly. “Let us happen.”