Page 63 of Nights At Sea
Not happening, cunthead!
So she had to come. And that turned into a shit-storm too.
Fuck, I’m so angry. But there’s at least a whiff of good news. We got a tipoff that one of Molinaro’s IT guys wants to talk to us. Possibly a cunt who wants to sell us back our IP for his own gain… supposedly before Molinaro exploits it. I’m praying Molinaro doesn’t kill the fool before I get my hands on him.
Tomorrow Santino, Uberto and I are going to meet the prick to work out the terms. I need to get a handle on the situation before everything I’ve worked on for years goes to shit.
“Are we any closer to knowing who our master mole is?” Mateo asks, bringing me back from my depressing thoughts with another one.
I rub my neck in frustration. That’s just another clusterfuck.
“Only dead ends… literally. Whoever it is, he and Molinaro are thorough cleaning up their tracks. Ella saw Mario with one of Molinaro’s men at Syracuse Cathedral when he was tailing her. When Santino turned up at his house for questioning, he was already dead. As was the rest of his family. It was a bloodbath.”
Mateo curses as he slams his glass on the table. “With Molinaro killing off his lower level, you’d think there’d be no one left to do his bidding.”
“There’ll be more greedy bastards. But I’m not too concerned with them. There is someone in our inner circle who’s betraying us. We need to find him.”
And God help him when we do.
Chapter Fifteen
Thebeddipsinthe middle of the night, and Gualtiero’s arms sneak around my waist, pulling me close to him. My body stiffens, and I dare not breathe.
I want to push him away, but I have no idea what mood he’s in and what he might do. So I lie there as if paralyzed. He places a soft kiss on top of my head and whispers, “I love you, angel.”
The thing is, in my heart of hearts, I know he does. But I hate the way he’s showing it.
It doesn’t take long for his breathing to even out. He must be exhausted. God, why do I even care?
I let out a long breath and carefully free myself from his embrace. I need distance from him.
Maybe I should sleep on the lounge? But God knows how he’ll react to that. So I settle as best as I can in the farthest corner of the bed.
To my relief, Gualtiero is already gone when I wake up the next morning.
I drag myself out of bed. The temptation to wallow is almost too great, but I can’t let myself go like that.
I put on my running gear and go for my first run in the garden. After only a few minutes, I’m completely out of breath and huff and puff like the wolf in theThree Little Pigs, ready to blow down any house.
There’s a reason why I don’t do this more often.
This is torture.
I lean over, resting my arms on my legs, gulping in precious air.
Jeez, I’m unfit!
After only ten minutes, I give up for today and plonk onto a chair on the terrace, sweat dripping off me. Mariella steps out when she sees me and hands me a towel and a bottle of water.
“Thank you,” I say, grateful for her thoughtfulness. Despite my dislike for running, I have to admit, I feel much better. The despair and negativity from last night is pushed away, at least for the time being.
Some commotion behind me startles me, and as I turn, I see a little bundle of joy racing toward me. With a huge smile on my face, I bend down just as the little black Labrador puppy reaches me and excitedly jumps onto my lap, tail wagging.
Oh my gosh, he’s so cute and has the lightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen on a dog. I rub his tummy eagerly, earning me lots of slobbery licks. I can’t help the laughter bubbling up from inside me. I’ve missed having dogs around me!
“Hello, little darling. Aren’t you the most gorgeous little thing? Have you got a name?” I look at his collar, but there is no tag.