Page 64 of Nights At Sea
“Not yet. You get to name him,” Gualtiero’s voice comes from behind.
I sit down on the tiles with the puppy in my arms and turn toward him… just to be knocked over by two more puppies jumping on me. Little tongues lick away at my face and hands, and I laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
Tiero comes to my rescue and pulls the little white pup off me and receives the same treatment of slobbery kisses.
“Oh my gosh, Tiero. These puppies are so cute,” I say as I cuddle the third one, a dark-brown one also with blue eyes.
“I thought you might like their company. And they can certainly do with training,” Tiero mumbles as he tries to keep his charge away from his face.
My eyes are shining with glee as I wrestle with these cuties. “Thank you so much. I’ve missed playing with dogs.”
“Well, these are all yours. You can train them and give them to blind people or you can keep them. Whatever you like.”
Right now, I feel like keeping them. It will be so much fun training them and teaching them tricks. And just like that, my whole outlook brightens.
“What will you call them?” Tiero wants to know, his face smiling and soft.
“Hmm, good question.”
I pull the black little pup to me and check the gender. “You’re a cute little boy, aren’t you?” I say as I rub his tummy. “I think I’ll call you Oreo and the others will be Milk and Brownie.” I giggle, my sweet tooth serving as inspiration.
“Milk?” Tiero questions.
“Yep, milk goes perfectly with Oreos and brownies,” I tell him.
Tiero looks amused. “Okay. Oreo, Milk, and Brownie it is.”
It’s early afternoon, and I had a good day with my new puppies. They’re lying in a large basket beside me, sleeping.
Mariella appears in the doorway carrying a tray with afternoon tea. The smell of freshly baked cannoli reaches my nostrils and my mouth waters. I’ll be twenty pounds heavier soon if I continue eating everything that’s put in front of me.
“Why don’t you have a seat, Mariella? I would love some company,” I invite her.
Uncertain what to do, she glances around nervously. I really want her to stay and get to know her better. I crave girl time, so I continue, “You’re the only girl I’ve seen here … Well, except for Oriana, but she’s more like the guys, so she doesn’t count.”
That makes her smile, and with a last glance behind her, she sits down.
Refreshments adorn the table, and I get up to pour us each a cup of tea. I hand her one and push the sugar toward her.
“How long have you worked here?” I ask.
“Hmm, not long, Miss. I only start two weeks ago,” she replies shyly. My ears prick up. That’s interesting. That’s right about the time Gualtiero and I met.
“Please call me Ella,” I smile at her, “it makes me feel old otherwise.”
“Umm, I’m not sure, Miss,” she mutters in her heavily accented English.
“Well, then please, at least call me Ella when it’s just you and me. Would that be okay?”
Mariella nods reluctantly and nervously sips her tea.
“I don’t mean to pry, but how did you get to work here… I mean you’re so young and I’d expect someone your age to go to university.”
Her face falls, and I almost regret having asked.
Mariella sighs, “I love fashion design. My sister, Elana, and I love dresses, but Father says no. He got other plans for us. He works for Signor De Marco. That’s how I got job.”
“Fashion design? You’d get along well with my best friend, Rhia. She loves fashion, especially shoes. She’s got the largest shoe collection of anyone I know. She’d go green with envy if she could see what’s in the closet upstairs. Did you pick out all those lovely things?”