Page 49 of Masters and Secrets
“Ethan Daniels is a big, ugly, mean old fart.” Serena rolled her eyes.
“He’s not old,” Valentina sniped. “And he’s not ugly.”
“Sounds like someone has a crush on him,” Serena needled her again. Valentina had been bleating about how much she despised this Ethan Daniels for the entire summer while she’d worked at the architecture firm as an intern. “You’ve got it bad, girl.”
“I do not!” Valentina stamped her foot. “Screw him!”
“Yes, screw him. Please. You might as well just screw his brains out and get it out of your system,” Serena suggested. “Then we don’t have to hear about him every day. You have never even spoken to the man.”
Alexis offered Valentina her nearly full glass of champagne with a lopsided, apologetic smile. “You-know-who drank the rest.”
Valentina just shrugged. They all knew she didn’t like to drink alcohol anyway.
“I talked to him today.” Valentina went to the kitchen and got herself a bottle of water.
“What did he say?” pressed Serena. Valentina sat next to her on the leather sofa.
“First, he sexually harassed me in the elevator.”
“He slapped your ass?” asked Serena.
“He kissed you?” guessed Alexis.
“He grabbed your hair and slammed you up against the wall of the elevator?”
“No, none of that,” insisted Valentina.
“Darn it. Too bad,” Serena smirked. “Sorry to hear it. That would have been fun.”
“What did he actually do?” Alexis clarified.
“He said ‘I like going down,’” recounted Valentina, her ears turning pink.
“As in, he enjoys performing fellatio on females of the human species for selfless gratification?” Alexis questioned medically.
“Yes, it was terrible.”
“Maybe he truly was referring to the physical elevation and descent of the elevator, not to performing sexual acts on your anatomy,” Alexis tried to console her.
“No, he wasn’t,” Valentina answered with a sniff.
“Poor dear,” said Alexis.
“Yes, poor dear,” chimed Serena. “The hot guy you’re in love with at work wants to devour your pussy in the elevator. Poor, unfortunate girl.”
“It gets worse,” continued Valentina.
“I bet,” said Serena.
“Next, we were in the penthouse…”
Serena couldn’t help but snort.
“...And he informed me I had to work ‘under’ him.”