Page 50 of Masters and Secrets
“What did he mean by that, specifically?” asked Alexis pragmatically.
“To be his personal assistant,” Valentina fumed.
“Yes, that is quite demeaning considering your degree and your qualifications,” said Alexis. “You were at the top of your class at MIT. You should be regarded as a peer, a colleague, not a secretary.”
“He’s a Dom,” explained Serena.
Alexis and Valentina both stared at her blankly.
“BDSM,” she tried again. “He’s a Top.”
Wide eyes again.
“He likes to boss people around.” Serena tried to keep a straight face as she said it.
“That’s why he’s a jerk,” said Valentina.
“He wants to order you around like he owns you and do things to you.”
“Oooooh,” both girls exclaimed at once.
Serena saw the lightbulbs flashing on in their heads and laughed aloud.
“Like punish me and spank me?” asked Valentina naively.
“Yes, precisely,” Serena replied.
“Like what you do to your men, Serena?” added Alexis.
“What else did he say?” Alexis asked. Serena could see the new S&M images popping into Alexis’s mind like popcorn. Her eyes seemed to glimmer. Maybe there was hope for her to loosen up a little after all.
Not likely Valentina, though, Serena thought. She was as stiff as a board.
“He said: ‘Fetch my mail, retrieve my dry cleaning, bring me my coffee,’” Valentina repeated verbatim.
“That is very humiliating, Val,” Alexis commiserated.
“That’s the point,” explained Serena. “Humiliation and degradation are part of the game.”
Valentina tossed her head. “I told him I would not be treated like a dog.”
“Good Lord, Valentina,” said Serena with concern. “Did you actually use the word ‘dog’?”
“Oh boy,” said the redhead. “Picturing you on all fours with a dog collar on…” she said, as if the point were obvious.
Alexis and Valentina were still oblivious.
“He probably came right in his pants imagining you like that!”
“Spontaneous ejaculation?” asked the physician.
“Yes!” Serena shrieked.
Valentina’s face turned fuchsia.