Page 73 of A Moment Too Late
They’re off to spend two weeks in paradise. Sunshine, fruity drinks, and white, sandy beaches.
“I’ve been ready. The question is,” I start as I place my hand in his, giving it a little tug, “can you handle me?”
“You were put on this Earth for me and only me. I was made to handle whatever you throw at me.”
“Even if it’s a swollen belly?” I joke as we push through the doors of Riley’s, the chill of the spring night wrapping itself around me, cooling my body instantly.
Pulling me to a stop and pressing me against the passenger door of our car, Jay leans in close and whispers in my ear, “You’re the most beautiful pregnant woman I’ve ever seen. Knowing there’s a mini version of you growing in there makes you even more beautiful. I’d keep you pregnant the rest of our life together if I thought you’d let me.”
Laughing, I place my hands on his chest and push but he doesn’t budge.
“One kid at a time. Not to mention I have a feeling our son is going to be just like his daddy. At least I hope so.”
“Oh yeah. You want another me in this world?” Jay’s hands travel from my hips, lower and lower until they reach the hem of my skirt, slipping beneath and slowly traveling back upward, toward where I want them the most. Toward the ache I’ve been trying to ignore the last two hours since he proposed in front of the entire town.
“I take it back,” I say, suddenly breathless as his hands continue their slow climb. “One of you is plenty.”
Jay’s hands disappear, the passenger door is opening, and I’m being helped in the car before I can register what’s happening.
“What the hell?” I practically scream at him as he takes his place behind the wheel.
“Home.” His words are a demand, not a request. “I’m not having sex with my fiancée for the first time in a parking lot.”
There’s a smile on my face the entire ten-minute drive to the house we share on the outskirts of town knowing the effect I have on him. My smile disappears as we pull into our driveway, hitting the first bump in the dirt, warm liquid soaking my underwear.
“Jay.” The concern in my voice causes him to slam the brakes, my body jolting forward. Jay’s arm shoots across my chest, stopping me from slamming into the dashboard.
“What’s wrong?” His words are rushed as he looks me up and down.
“It’s time.”
“Time?” he asks, wrinkling his brow. The moment my words sink in, his eyes go wide. “Now?”
All I can do is nod my head as Jay throws the car in reverse, backing over the same bump as the first stabbing pain hits low in my back, sending searing pain through my lower region.
It turnsout Sammy does take after me. He was a stubborn child from the moment my water broke. After close to thirty-nine hours of labor, he finally made his appearance. On the sixth anniversary of Sam’s murder. Two and a half weeks ahead of schedule.
He was perfectly healthy with ten tiny fingers and toes. A head full of dark brown hair that swooped to the side and bright blue eyes. When he smiles, he has a tiny dimple in his left cheek, just like his daddy.
“How is my handsome nephew today?” Spence asks as he walks through the nursery door.
Spencer and Mia cut their honeymoon short when they heard Sammy was born. We waited to call them until after he arrived, knowing they would want to jump on a plane and come back. Mia’s wrath at finding out two days after he was born was scary, but the second Sammy was cradled in her arms the anger melted away.
One shared look with Spencer and I knew what was coming next for them. It took all of two months for her to announce they were pregnant.
“He’s being a grouch and not wanting to take a nap.”
Scooping him out of my arms, Spencer blows raspberries on Sammy’s naked belly, causing both of them to giggle.
“I’ll get him to sleep. Why don’t you visit with Mia for a bit?” His words have a warning tone in them. Mia’s been a temperamental mama since the start of her second trimester. Her moods are as fiery as her hair most days.
“Good luck,” I say, pushing out of the rocking chair and moving toward the door. I swear I hear Spencer whisper, “You too,” but when I turn around, his eyes are closed and he’s slowly rocking as he holds Sammy against his chest.
Spencer is going to make an amazing dad. He’s so calming and gentle with Sammy. He can get him to sleep in a matter of minutes when it takes me an hour. I’m happy for the reprieve but also scared of what is waiting for me in my kitchen. I’m praying today is one of Mia’s good days.
“Hey,” I greet her as I cross the threshold, kissing Jay on the cheek before moving to hug my best friend. “How are you feeling today?”
“Fine I guess. She was kicking me in the bladder earlier and I pissed myself but otherwise it’s been a good day. I think the morning sickness is finally over.” Mia’s morning sickness lasted all day. Hearing that it’s over is the best news I’ve had in weeks.