Page 40 of On Set
HAYDEN: Did you get the impression he’s not interested anymore?
ME: No. The opposite actually.
HAYDEN: Then stop making excuses and let yourself be happy. Feel for once. Let someone in.
AUSTIN: What did he say exactly? Was it some bullshit line or did it feel real?
ME: It wasn’t so much what he said, though he has a way with words, more how he looks at me. Ansen saw and made us demonstrate for Celia so she could see what she was supposed to do.
HAYDEN: That makes my day for so many reasons. I would have killed to see her face when he said that. But how was he looking at you that made Ansen use you as an example?
I contemplate changing the subject. Then I realize I need this. I need to be honest with them because I know they’re not going to tell me what I want to hear. They’ll tell me what I need to hear. There’s a big difference.
ME: Intense passion
Two words. I hit send before I lose my nerve. And I watch as three little dots appear next to each of their names, taunting me in anticipation of their response.
AUSTIN: Give him a chance. I have a feeling he’s just as scared of the way he’s feeling as you are.
HAYDEN: He wants to screw you so bad. I’m so jealous. I want someone to look at me like that.
ME: I’m not making any promises, but I’ll at least stop avoiding him.
AUSTIN: It’s a start.
HAYDEN: It’s more than that. We’re here for you every step of the way, and I’ll keep the shovels handy in case he decides to turn into an asshole. I’ve picked out the perfect spot in the desert.
Hayden’s comment brightens my smile even more. I’d love to keep the hole reserved for Celia but at least I know if things go south, I have two shoulders to cry on. Two people who will pick me up when I fall. The best friends in the world.
ME: Miss you guys. I can’t wait to see you. I love you.
AUSTIN: {heart emoji}
HAYDEN: {kissy face emoji}
There’s a knock on my door just as I toss my phone on the bed, pulling my tank top over my head in the same motion. The temperature is going to drop slightly as the sun begins to set. Quickly slipping into a long sleeve T-shirt, I rush over to open the door and come face-to-face with the last person I expected to see standing at my door.
“Mother,” I state, stepping back so she can come in.